Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1008 The People of Xilan Kingdom Are So Impressive

Chapter 1008 The People of Xilan Kingdom Are So Impressive

Baili Qinxue glanced at them a few times and said nothing.

Lin Fenglie could hardly listen anymore, "General Wang, stop arguing with these thieves, lest you lose your identity."

"That's right, I'm General Wang of the Weinan Kingdom..." Baili Qinxue raised his eyebrows, and walked slowly out of the cell, "I will let you go today, but I will come to the dungeon in the future Yes, by then, the situation may change."

The second half of the sentence was full of deep meaning, Lin Fenglie didn't catch it, he only thought that she would come to trouble the four thieves again in the future.

But Zhao Yu and the four thieves heard her words clearly, with a faint smile in their eyes.

"Mr. Lin, let's go out." Baili Qinxue put her hands on Lin Fenglie's shoulders, "This place smells so bad, this general can't take it anymore."

Lin Fenglie sneered, "I thought General Wang liked this taste very much."

"Fuck off, how could this general like the smell here." Baili Qinxue pretended to be angry, and walked out of the dungeon quickly.

Lin Fenglie had the upper hand and was in a great mood.

As soon as they left, Zhao Yu rubbed a few medicine bottles in his hands, and a wild smile slowly climbed his eyebrows. The four thieves came up, took a few pills and stuffed them into their mouths. All the fatigue dissipated, and I immediately became refreshed.

Fortunately, she came, otherwise, they would have been played to death by that Lin Fenglie.

The four thieves were talking about what happened in the Colosseum, their eyes were full of indignation towards Lin Fenglie, when they wanted to say something else, Zhao Yu hurriedly stopped them, "If you have something to say, there is Words can’t be said, be careful that walls have ears.”

The four thieves kept silent, and continued to lie on the ground like before, whining and mourning.

Baili Qinxue and Lin Fenglie came to the hall.

At this time, the maids had already prepared their lunch. Baili Qinxue turned her head to look at it, and couldn't help but secretly startled. Even Li Qinxue had never seen her before.

Sun Mei and the others had already come over, drinking tea and chatting at the desk, when they saw the two coming in, they just raised their heads symbolically.

Baili Qinxue didn't take it seriously, thinking to herself that the people of Xilan Kingdom are indeed very impressive.

Lin Fenglie looked down, turned around and went to the back room to call Xilan Manyue out.

"I'm going to call Princess Full Moon out, you guys chat first." Lin Fenglie flicked his sleeves, and his figure quickly disappeared into the long corridor.

Sun Mei and the others were talking to themselves, Baili Qinxue was sitting alone in front of the table with her arms around Little Pink, she seemed a little out of place, she rolled her eyes, and moved a little.

Sun Mei sensed it and raised her eyes to look at her, "Does General Wang want to join us too?"

"Little girls, you really understand this general's heart." Baili Qinxue picked up the teacup on the table and poured a cup by herself, "What were you talking about just now, so happy?"

"I'm not talking about anything." Sun Mei's long curly hair, her rippling eyes are full of charm, "I'm just talking about anecdotes, General Wang may not like to hear them."

The expression on Baili Qinxue's face remained unchanged, she put down the cup and said with a smile: "What interesting news are you talking about, why don't you tell it, maybe the general will be interested."

Jiang Yinsheng and Shen Mo's eyes were pale, and they didn't care about Baili Qinxue.

"It's nothing, it's just something interesting outside..." Sun Mei rubbed her teacup and said a few words casually.Thinking of sending her away as soon as possible, the idiot general became angry when he saw it.


(End of this chapter)

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