Chapter 1014 I want to collect it...

"Ah..." Shen Mo stretched out his hand to touch his eyes, and exclaimed in an instant, "I didn't expect to be able to fully recover after eating one monster crystal nucleus now, do I have to eat two?"

Can eating Warcraft crystal nucleus restore the rotten body?
What kind of evil work is this?
Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, the sword in her hand was about to move.

Shen Mo grabbed again and crushed the monster's head instantly. He swallowed a monster's crystal nucleus, and soon returned to its original appearance.

"You just asked me if I was willing." Shen Mo cast his gaze, "I can return to my original form at any time, and I can summon beasts like a summoner, so I am willing."

"Same as a summoner?" Baili Qinxue snorted coldly, "You are worthy of being side by side with a summoner even with your insidious and evil skills?"

"Could it be, am I unworthy?" Shen Mo opened his eyelids with his hands, and the big eyeballs suddenly appeared, with distinct red bloodshots on them, ferocious and terrifying, "You say I'm unworthy?"

"Yes, you are not worthy." Baili Qinxue slightly bent her red lips.It is very contemptuous to show off insidious tricks in front of a real summoner.

"I want to kill you, kill you, kill you..." Shen Mo went crazy, his eyes became more ferocious, "They are all hunting on horseback, and inside the formation, no one else can hear any noise , no one will know even if you are chopped into meat paste, hahaha..."

Others can't hear?
Baili Qinxue's eyes brightened slightly, which was exactly what she wanted, and she could fight as much as she wanted later.

Shen Mo didn't know what the look in her eyes meant, and thought she was really scared.

He pursed his lips, with a strong smile in his eyes, "Slaves, tear the woman across from me hard."

In an instant, the monsters around him galloped towards him, but the fox stood there without moving.

Even if he was deluded, the arrogance of the fox was still not extinguished. At this time, a voice came from Baili Qinxue's ear.

"help me……"

"help me……"

That was... the voice from the fox, the once proud and loud voice, but now it became weak and powerless, as if it would soon turn into nothingness.

"Haha, I forgot to tell you." Shen Mo's voice came again, "The longer these monsters stay in my body, the more and more my consciousness will become loose, until the consciousness is lost, and they will completely become my puppets. If I kill them, these monsters will not be able to return, but..."

Shen Mo squinted his eyes, and kicked the fox next to his feet, "This fox has an arrogant temper, it's really hateful that his consciousness hasn't completely dissipated after such a long time."

Shen Mo continued to kick.

"Help me..." The fox's voice became weaker and weaker.

Baili Qinxue looked at the fox again, her eyes were firm and hot, "This shows that some things don't belong to you at all, and you can't force them."

She glanced sideways at Shen Mo.

Shen Mo's heart trembled as his clear eyes burst into light.

These eyes are really annoying...

Shen Mo gritted his teeth, his brows and eyes were filled with anger, "Slaves, tear this woman apart for me, and remember to keep her eyes intact for me. The national teacher will keep her eyes hidden."

Collect it... so perverted.

Baili Qinxue's eyes turned cold, and the sword in her hand swung out continuously, sinking into the monster's skin, but...

The skin of these monsters is very hard, as if stabbed on a steel frame. Perhaps these monsters have stayed in Shen Mo's body for a long time, so all aspects have changed, but why are the two monsters in the formation just now so soft?


(End of this chapter)

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