Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1015 Why do they all surrender to you?

Chapter 1015 Why do they all surrender to you?
As if seeing the doubt in Baili Qinxue's eyes, Shen Mo laughed again, "As long as I stand one meter away from the monsters, they will be strengthened in all aspects."

That is to say, after one meter, they are no different from ordinary ones.

Baili Qinxue suddenly realized, and the corners of her lips curled up again. Hundreds of monsters were as hard as a steel frame, so she wouldn't be so stupid as to fight alone.

"Shen Mo, today I'll let you see what it means to truly surrender monsters..." Baili Qinxue waved her sleeves, and many monsters suddenly appeared in front of her.

There were hundreds of them, and some of them she didn't call out, for fear of filling them all up.

Shen Mo was stunned suddenly, the eyes of these magical beasts were shining brightly, they were all willing to surrender, but why?
"Why?" Shen Mo's eyes were stained with anger, and he felt very uncomfortable.

He can only conquer a hundred monsters by making himself into this ghostly appearance, but she can easily summon hundreds or thousands of them, it's a world of difference.

"Because, I've been communicating with them wholeheartedly." Baili Qinxue summoned the stone man and tiger again, "I will never treat them as slaves, because they are all my friends, and I treat them well , they naturally treat me well."

"It's ridiculous to be friends with monsters. Monsters are slaves of humans..." Shen Mo laughed lowly, but suddenly froze in place, "Why are stone men and tigers here with you?"

"You talk about them." Baili Qinxue pointed at them with a smile, "I'm safer here, so they are naturally willing to follow me."

No wonder he groped all the way but couldn't find them, so she got there first.

Shen Mo gritted his teeth, his eyes were dark and poisonous.

"Bitch, I will tear you apart today..." He waved his hand, and the monsters around him rushed again.

The fox moved a small step, and finally stopped in place without moving.

The stone man and the fox looked at each other, with joy in their eyes, but it faded away in an instant, "Great human, look at the boss over there, but why does it have no focus in its eyes, just like a puppet?" ?”

"Boss, you are under the control of Shen Mo's evil skills." Baili Qinxue said: "If you want to save it, you must kill Shen Mo, otherwise, the fox will become its puppet forever, and you can't return. coming."

how so……

Both the stone man and the tiger were shocked, and their eyes changed when they looked at Shen Mo.

Shen Mo was taken aback by the eyes of the two of them, cold, cold, and fierce, as if they wanted to tear him apart.

But soon, he regained his normal expression, "The stone man and the tiger are really good, I will also suck you into my body and make you my puppets."

The stone man and the tiger were extremely disgusted.

If you want them to be puppets, go ahead and dream, "You despicable human being, return Brother Fox."

Shen Mo seemed to have never heard of it, pointing at those puppet monsters.

The puppet monster came galloping again, Baili Qinxue dodged, and said, "Little guys, these puppet monsters are here for you, and I will capture the leader of the puppet."

As soon as this remark came out, the little snakes, the Wuze beasts, the stone man and the tiger were extremely excited.

Shen Mo really never thought that she would do it herself. There are so many monsters, shouldn't they just stand aside and wait for the victory or defeat?
Why do you have to do it yourself?

While he was thinking wildly, Baili Qinxue had already come over, Shen Mo was taken aback, threw a fireball casually and dodged aside.


(End of this chapter)

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