Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1035 Mr. Lin's play is very good

Chapter 1035 Mr. Lin's play is very good
Lin Fenglie hooked his lips and laughed, not paying any attention to her scolding.

"General Sun, go all the way on the road to Huangquan." Lin Fenglie took out a long sword from the space again, and directly stabbed Sun Mei several times, blood gushed out in an instant.

Sun Mei screamed a few times, and soon lost her breath.

Holding a long sword, Lin Fenglie stood quietly next to the corpse. His body and face were stained with a lot of blood. In an instant, the corners of his lips curled up, and he couldn't stop laughing...

"General Sun, you died but saved me. You deserved to die." Lin Fenglie looked back and saw many little snakes crawling towards him.

Lin Fenglie didn't dare to delay for a moment, he stepped on Sun Mei's corpse, jumped up, reached up with his hand, and touched the rattan on it.

He was overjoyed and climbed up the cane.

As long as you climb up, climb up, you will be able to leave the Colosseum, and your life will be safe... Thinking about it this way, the arc of Lin Fenglie's mouth became wider and wider, almost twisted and crazy.

After reaching the top of the Colosseum, Lin Fenglie burst out laughing, "Haha, the sky will not kill me. I, Lin Fenglie, are both a genius at refining weapons and the winner of this battle. God treats me well."

He climbed up all at once, and before he stood up, he found that the light in front of him was blocked.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for putting on a wonderful show for us." Baili Qinxue stood in front of Lin Fenglie, with the corner of her mouth slightly hooked, "Mr. Lin has fully demonstrated to us how human beings are when faced with difficulties. Selfish is really wonderful."

After all, she applauded.

Lin Fenglie choked for breath, how could he forget that there were wolves underneath, but there were tigers above, extremely ferocious tigers.

"Baili Qinxue..." Lin Fenglie raised his head in horror.

She saw Baili Qinxue standing with her hands behind her back, the black armor on her body gleaming in the sunlight, and the blood stains on it had already been dried by the wind.

"Young master Lin, your performance just now was wonderful." Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes, and the smile slowly trickled down from the bottom of her eyes, bringing a bit of coolness, "We all enjoyed watching."

On the side of Lin Fenglie's head, he saw Zhao Yu and the others standing beside him, smiling but not smiling.

He gritted his teeth, subconsciously took a step back, "Baili Qinxue, we are both students of Xiling College, can't you let me go?"

"Don't cheat on my relatives." Baili Qinxue knelt down and met his eyes, "Master Lin, do you know that I just let the little snake spray the venom at will, I didn't think about letting the venom to kill you?" You melted, but I wanted to scare you, but you put on a good scene for me, and I was very excited watching it."

Lin Fenglie took a breath.

The purpose of letting the little snakes spray venom is not to melt them, but to scare them?
And they, in order to survive, staged a scene of cannibalism in front of her...

Lin Fenglie suddenly froze in place, his face became paler, "Baili Qinxue, why didn't you tell us earlier, if you tell us earlier, we won't be..."

"I told you earlier, so I wouldn't have seen such a good show." Zhao Yu laughed, and bent down to look at Lin Fenglie, "I didn't expect your explosive power to be so strong, killing yourself Daughter-in-law, who sowed discord and stabbed Sun Mei to death, is simply a big winner in life."

Lin Fenglie's lips parted, and he couldn't laugh no matter what.

"You bastards, devils, actually designed us to kill each other..."


(End of this chapter)

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