Chapter 1036 Let the two have a good chat
Old General Zhao still closed his eyes and meditated, not even giving him a look.

"Don't pretend, old man. I know you're definitely not meditating, but pretending." Zhao Yu sat aside and muttered. He quarreled.

Old General Zhao opened his eyelids and said, "Stinky boy, stop shouting, I know you have come and the three big guys have already told me just now."

"So they have already told you." Zhao Yu scratched his head with a smile, and said, "I wanted to give you a surprise."

Old General Zhao glanced at him and said, "There's nothing to be surprised about, but it's just that he came back safely..."

After saying that, he subconsciously looked at Baili Qinxue, his eyes filled with gratitude.

Baili Qinxue smiled, the twisted old man obviously cared about Zhao Yu very much, but his mouth was stubborn.

"Your son and I have returned safely, are you unhappy?" Zhao Yu continued to laugh.

"Smile, smile, laugh at your size." Old General Zhao rolled his eyes at him, and said, "It's not all because of the little girl who saved you, otherwise, you should be staying in the dungeon right now."

Zhao Yu paused and scratched his head embarrassingly, "Old man, since you know it, you can hide it, why did you say it so openly?"

The four thieves looked at each other, that was Zhao Yu's father, he seemed very serious, full of military aura.

Old General Zhao's eyes were sharp, and he spotted them all at once, and said, "Are you the four big brothers mentioned in the letter by the brat, who became thieves for some reason and returned to Xiling College?"

The four thieves were taken aback for a moment, then nodded hastily.

"Although they look a bit gangster, but their eyes are good, they are bright and bright, they are some good seedlings." Old General Zhao kept looking at him, with a smile in his eyes, "My brat is causing you trouble. ?”

The four thieves were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect him to say this, and hurriedly said: "Brother Zhao Yu is very good, he won't cause us any trouble."

"Old man, what do you think of me as someone who will cause trouble to others at will?" Zhao Yu retorted angrily.

Old General Zhao glanced at him, "Isn't it? At the beginning, because you only know how to heal magic and don't know how to attack magic, you know how to relieve your worries all day long, but you worry us people who care about you."

"Aren't I young and ignorant..." Zhao Yu twitched his lips, "Now I'm completely healed, and I can also use fire magic."

He excitedly condensed a wisp of red flame in his palm.

"It's not because the little girl came to help you, that's why you are like this." Old General Zhao continued to glance at him.

Zhao Yu's face turned blue, why was he so mean-spirited back then, and wrote him everything.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and almost laughed.

"You father and son had a good chat, and we went out to find something to eat." Baili Qinxue didn't want to disturb them to reminisce, so she pulled the four thieves and Little Pink out of the cave.

The three big guys opened their eyelids, thought about it and followed them out.

There is quite a lot of food outside the cave, and there are many wild fruits growing on the trees in the distance. A strong wind from the wind blade blows over, and many wild fruits fall down, covering the ground.

The other three thieves happily picked up the wild fruit.

Little Pink picked up a wild fruit, wiped it with her sleeve and gnawed it, "Xuexue, this wild fruit is juicy and delicious, so delicious."


(End of this chapter)

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