Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1037 Little sister, you have arranged everything

Chapter 1037 Little sister, you have arranged everything

Little Pink wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Baili Qinxue, "Don't talk, there are a lot of wild game over there."

As soon as the words fell, Baili Qinxue jumped up and grabbed the wild rabbit and pheasant in her hands.

Little Pink clapped her hands happily, "Xuexue is mighty, Xuexue is mighty..."

Soon Baili Qinxue caught a lot of wild game, and the four thieves also picked up all the wild fruits on the ground. The three big guys found a fish pond from nowhere and caught a few fish in it.

Several people packed up and returned to the cave.

A fire was lit in the cave, and Zhao Yu and General Zhao sat face to face, silent to each other.

Baili Qinxue put the things she had brought on the ground, and said with a smile, "Why are you so quiet, have you guys finished talking?"

"There's nothing to reminisce about." Zhao Yu rolled his eyes and snorted, "I have nothing to say with the old man."

"I don't know who was always writing letters when I was at Xiling College." Old General Zhao curled his lips and said coolly, "If you dare to say something like this, the old man will burst out laughing."

"Old man..." Zhao Yu's eyes widened.

"Why, dare to beat your father?" Old General Zhao swiftly cleaned up the wild game on the ground, then put them on the fire with a wooden stick and grilled them, and glanced at Zhao Yu from time to time.

Zhao Yu circled his chest and ignored him.

Baili Qinxue laughed, "You two don't look like father and son, but like enemies, brothers, don't you think so?"

The four thieves nodded hurriedly.

Knowing that they were being teased, the two of them looked embarrassed, and obediently stopped talking.

All kinds of wild game were grilled on the fire, and it didn't take long for the smell of meat to come out, and the skin and flesh continued to bloom in the fire, making a crisp sound of "Zi La Zi La".

Several people leaned against the stone wall to rest after eating the game, obviously very happy.

Old General Zhao stood up suddenly, and the aura on his body suddenly appeared, "At this moment, Lin Che Weinan belongs to the palace, we should go to the palace quickly to rescue the prince, otherwise, if news of the palace reaches Lin Che Weinan In the ears, I'm afraid it will be bad for the crown prince."

Old General Zhao paused for a moment, and then said: "There is also Your Majesty, the healthy and healthy Your Majesty unexpectedly fell ill, this must have been caused by Lin Che Weinan, if we are one step late, His Majesty's life may be in danger .”

Zhao Yu knew the importance of this matter, and agreed with him, "We really should return to the palace as soon as possible, but before that, we must sort out our thinking, otherwise, we will suffer losses if we act rashly."

Baili Qinxue leaned against the stone wall calmly.

"Then what should we do?" General Zhao pursed his lips, "I don't have any soldiers on hand."

Wei Nan Lin Che has thousands of soldiers and horses, it must not be easy to break into the palace to save people, if he dies, he will be injured.

"Little sister, what do you think?" Zhao Yu turned his head to the side, and saw Baili Qinxue leaning against the stone wall, with a calm expression and an expression of complete control.

Zhao Yu suffocated for breath, only then realized that Dugu Sheng was not following her, a bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind, his whole body was aroused, and he looked at her with burning eyes.

"Little sister, have you made all the arrangements?"

"We have the disguise technique, it's very easy to put someone next to Weinan Lin Che." Baili Qinxue leaned comfortably, playing with her fingertips casually, "I believe he will finish everything by now. Alright."

"Little sister, change him into Lieutenant General Li?" Zhao Yu dragged his chin, suddenly thinking of such a person.


(End of this chapter)

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