Chapter 1045 Did I Offend You?
"Well, Ayuye child..." Lin Wanwan blinked.

"Stupid girl, don't talk nonsense." Zhao Yu glared at her and said, "I just want to contribute."

Lin Wanwan didn't take his gaze seriously, "Well, Ayu, be careful on the road..."

At this moment, she said something decent, and Zhao Yu was overjoyed when she heard it, "You are sensible."

"Zhao Yu, do you want to go?" Baili Qinxue looked at him with raised eyebrows.

Zhao Yu nodded hurriedly.

Baili Qinxue thought about it, and felt that what he said was reasonable. They really didn't know what Master Song and Qian Yun looked like, so it might be a little bad to go there rashly.

"Big Baozi, what do you think?" Baili Qinxue looked at Dugu Sheng.

Dugu Sheng sat leisurely, and when his name was called, he slowly raised his body, curled his lips and said: "Everything is up to Axue, and there is nothing to lose by bringing this ugly man. When the time comes, change him to an ugly one It's fine."

The corner of Zhao Yu's mouth twitched, "Did I offend you?"

"You've been offending me all this time." Dugu Sheng glanced at him with a thin look in his eyes.From the time I met him until now, I have been offending him, hum...

"..." Zhao Yu was in distress, this cheapskate...

Before leaving, Wei Nanzi and the old general both took out their tokens, so that they would not be afraid that they would not believe it.

The three decided to go to Qian Yun first.

According to Old General Zhao, Qian Yun should pay homage to his ancestors on Yunwang Mountain at this moment.

Yunwang Mountain was just thirty miles outside of Wangcheng, and the three of them disguised themselves and left the city again smoothly.

Zhao Yu knew where Yunwang Mountain was, so the team leader walked ahead, and it took less than a stick of incense to reach the foot of the mountain.Baili Qinxue looked up, and saw that Yunwang Mountain was quite high, the whole mountain was lush with lush trees, and she could smell the sweet fragrance of nature when she inhaled.

"We should be able to find Qian Yun if we climb up the mountain." Zhao Yu rolled up his sleeves and was about to start climbing.

Baili Qinxue stood on the spot and moved slightly. There were many footholds on the mountain wall, so she didn't need to climb up with effort, just use light work to climb up.

She smiled and said, "You don't need to work hard to climb up, we can do it with light kung fu."

Zhao Yu paused, and then realized, "However, my qinggong is not very good, so I don't know if I can hold on to such a high mountain..."

"No rush, just let the big bun take you." Baili Qinxue continued: "I can do it by myself."

Dugu Sheng didn't say much, but there was some reluctance in his expression.

Seeing his deflated appearance, Zhao Yu smiled wildly. He stretched out his hands and said with a smile: "Boy Dugu Sheng, quickly hug me up."

Dugu Sheng's face turned blue, this ugly man was still as disgusting and perverted as when he first met.

"Don't be shy, be careful that I'll throw you to the foot of the mountain in a while." Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, and there was a little sullenness in his bright eyes soaked in the sunlight.

Zhao Yu was not afraid at all, the corners of his lips curled up, and he continued to smile and said, "You kid must not dare, besides, my little sister will not let you succeed."

The bastard actually used Ashe to overwhelm him.

Dugu Sheng cast his eyes on Baili Qinxue, asking for help.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and quickly looked away, "Don't worry about it, you two, it's better to get down to business as soon as possible. When the time comes, you can play however you want."

When Zhao Yu heard this, he laughed directly, the words were obviously helping him.

Baili Qinxue glanced over coldly, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "Don't be embarrassed, be careful that the big bun really throws you down, and you will cry then."


(End of this chapter)

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