Chapter 1046 The three came from afar...

I am happy to change to Dugu Sheng this time.

Zhao Yu was a little gloomy, he felt sorry for him being a loner, he couldn't beat the two of them.

"Ugly man, what are you still dawdling about, why don't you hurry up and let me take you up." Dugu Sheng played with his black hair on his shoulders, and looked coolly at Zhao Yu who was not far away from him.

Zhao Yu flicked his sleeves and swaggered over.

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes, lifted his collar and rushed up the mountain. Zhao Yu felt that the scenery in front of him was constantly changing, and the rising speed shook his heart, liver, spleen and lungs, making him dizzy and almost dying. vomit.

Baili Qinxue saw that they kept advancing, so she also dodged and walked up slowly.

When he reached the top, Zhao Yu only felt dizzy, top-heavy, and his whole body was light. He vomited a few times while holding the tree trunk beside him, but he didn't spit out anything.

"Dugu Sheng, you good boy, you definitely did it on purpose to make me feel so uncomfortable..." Zhao Yu gritted his teeth and looked at Dugu Sheng with a sad face.

Dugu Sheng was calm, his face was red and his heart was not beating, "I did it on purpose, what do you think?"

"You..." Zhao Yu was furious. If he knew this kid was so bad, he should have trampled on him when he became a child.The more Zhao Yu thought about it, the more he regretted it. In the end, his whole face turned dark.

"Shh, don't make noise." Baili Qinxue put her middle finger on her mouth, signaling them to be quiet.

Dugu Sheng and Zhao Yu immediately fell silent.

Baili Qinxue looked up, and saw two or three soldiers standing not far from the top of the mountain. They stood straight and looked around warily, as if they were patrolling to prevent outsiders from entering.

"It seems that they are protecting Qian Yun." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, her eyes brightened.

"It must be that Qian Yun." Zhao Yu smiled, "What should the three standing soldiers do, knock them out?"

"No, it's too noisy after being knocked out, just let the big bun set up a formation." Baili Qinxue looked at Dugu Sheng with a smile in his eyes.

Dugu Sheng looked into the bottom of her eyes, the arc on his mouth became wider and wider, suddenly, his fingertips moved...

A transparent formation suddenly appeared and immediately blocked the three soldiers.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and smiled, and walked forward swaggeringly. Dugu Sheng and Zhao Yu looked at each other and followed closely behind.

Deep in the top of the mountain, there are overgrown trees, and among the trees, a luxurious tombstone suddenly appears, and there are wine and food beside the tombstone, which looks very rich.

Near the tombstone, there is a man wearing plain white mourning clothes and a white piece tied around his head, who is burning paper money in an iron basin. The paper money burns quickly when it touches the fire, emitting a pungent smell. .

The man burned for a while, then stood up, filled his glass with wine, and made a toast to the luxurious tombstone, "Qian's ancestors, I, Qian Yun, have come to see you again."

After all, sprinkle the wine in the cup on the ground, and the dry soil will become moist immediately when it meets water.

Qian Yun put down the wine glass, suddenly his eyes froze, and his voice was as bright as a bell, "The three of you have come from a long way, and you can avoid the eyes and ears of my officers and soldiers. You really should not be underestimated."

Qian Yun turned his head to the side, and a bit of coldness flashed in his pitch-black eyes.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyes and looked at Qian Yun carefully. After all, she was born in the military, with a straight posture and an extraordinary stalwart. She looked only about 30 years old, but she looked like she had been weather-beaten. Her eyes were sharp, mature, and piercing. There is a god, and one can tell from his eyes that he is an extremely upright person.


(End of this chapter)

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