Chapter 1047 I will do my best!
"Who are you?" Qian Yun narrowed his eyes, "Could it be that the prince sent someone to kill me because he was afraid that I would not give in?"

He was trained by Old General Zhao. Even though he was stationed far away at the border, he was still a member of General Zhao. Weinan Lin Che must be afraid that he would not give in, so he wanted to kill him.

Thinking of this, Qian Yun's eyes became colder.

"We are not Weinan Linche's people, General Qian please don't misunderstand." Baili Qinxue waved his hand, seeing his cold expression when he mentioned Weinan Linche, he thought he was not optimistic about Weinan Lin Che.

"Not from the Crown Prince?" Qian Yun was a little skeptical, but he believed her when she called Lin Che by the name of Weinan, "Then who are you all, and what do you want to do here?"

"We want to..." Zhao Yu was about to speak, but was stopped by Baili Qinxue.

She smiled and said, "General Qian, do you remember Old General Zhao?"

"Of course I remember, I was trained by him alone." Qian Yun smiled with pride on his face, "Old General Zhao taught me a lot, not only my mentor, but also the person I will follow all my life, unfortunately, I I got the information that the whereabouts of the old general are unknown, and I heard that the crown prince was deposed and the third prince became the crown prince, so I knew it was not easy... What are you asking about this?"

Qian Yun squinted his eyes with vigilance.

"Don't be nervous, we won't harm you." Baili Qinxue smiled and approached slowly, "I just want to ask you, if General Zhao is safe and sound at the moment, I want to get your help, but it will be of great help. Incomparable, it is very likely that you will lose your life, what will you do?"

Is General Zhao safe and sound?
Hearing this, Qian Yun's eyes lit up, and he straightened his back, "If old general Zhao is safe and sound, I, Qian Yun, will die after I have dedicated myself, and I will never complain."

"Okay." Zhao Yu clapped his hands happily when he heard this.

Qian Yun was startled, and a trace of guard appeared in his eyes again, "So, what is your purpose after all, it's not just talking about these hypotheses."

"Of course it's not that simple." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, her dark pupils were deep, and seemed to be able to suck in people's hearts and souls, "We came to you, actually, to ask you to do something, specifically How about it, please talk to us in the restaurant in detail.”

Go to a restaurant?
The alertness in Qian Yun's eyes became more and more intense.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other and smiled, but said nothing.

"Uncle Qian Yun, don't be so on guard, just take a look at who I am." Zhao Yu took off the makeup on his face, revealing an extremely handsome face full of insolent smiles.

"You are Ayu, you are Ayu..." Qian Yun was very excited.He would come back every year at this time to pay homage to his ancestors, and sometimes he would go to pay respects to Old General Zhao's mansion, and this Zhao Yu boy, who was often wrapped around his buttocks when he was a child, would recognize him even if he turned to ashes.

"Uncle Qian Yun, we really need your help, please don't shirk." Zhao Yu laughed, "Uncle Qian Yun is the same as when he was very young, extremely handsome, with piercing eyes, and very energetic."

"You kid, you can still talk like you did when you were a child." Qian Yun laughed and stroked his hair lovingly, "But I heard that you went out with the army and disappeared like the old general. Why did you appear? here?"

"It was these two friends who saved me." Zhao Yu pointed to Baili Qinxue and the others.


(End of this chapter)

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