Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1048 Ashue's Thoughts Are My Thoughts

Chapter 1048 Ashue's Thoughts Are My Thoughts
Qian Yun nodded clearly, and when he looked at Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng, his eyes softened a little.

Suddenly, he was taken aback, and said with surprise on his face: "Since Ah Yu is safe and sound, then General Zhao..."

"The old man is also very safe." Zhao Yu parted her thin lips, "Thanks to these friends of mine."

Qian Yun's heart relaxed for a while, and a smile bloomed in his eyes, "It's good that the old general is fine, no wonder your friend made a hypothesis at that time, and wanted to test me."

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, with a serious face, "This matter is of great importance, we have to be vigilant."

Seeing her serious expression, Qian Yun murmured in his heart and became serious, "What is it that is so serious? Is it related to the old general?"

"The old man wants you to lead the army with him to pull Weinan Lin Che down from that high position." Zhao Yu looked at Qian Yun, his expression became more serious, "Weinan Lin Che has a lot of scheming, if he is really Sitting in that high position, I'm afraid we won't be able to survive at all. If we want to survive, we can only live in seclusion in the mountains and live in fear every day. However, that seat belongs to A Zi, and Weinan Lin Che is really shameless for killing and looting. "

Qian Yun paused slightly when he heard the words, "Is this what Old General Zhao meant?"

Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes sharply, "It's what the old man meant, if Uncle Qian Yun finds it embarrassing, he can refuse..."

Qian Yun quickly interrupted Zhao Yu's words, and said: "Since it's Old General Zhao's intention, I have no reason not to listen, besides, I like the original crown prince more than the current crown prince, that's the true temperament." .”

Hearing this, Zhao Yu bent his lips and smiled, and the coldness in his eyes came and went quickly, "I knew that Uncle Qian Yun was jealous, and he would definitely help us by distinguishing right from wrong."

"I made an oath before that I would devote myself to the veteran general and advance and retreat together." Qian Yun's eyes were open, thinking that what he said just now was not a whim at all, but after careful consideration.

"Then Uncle Qian Yun, please make some preparations before leaving with us, but before that..." Zhao Yu paused, and then said: "We still have to go to Master Song, and after we have found Master Song, we will have a secret meeting together old man."

Mr. Song is a civil servant, and the combination of civil servants and military officials will surely come up with a good way to get Lin Che from Weinan to step down.

Qian Yun nodded and said, "Time is running out. After seeing the old general, I still have to go to the palace, lest Wei Nan Lin Che have doubts, and it will be difficult."

"We understand this." Zhao Yu comforted.

Baili Qinxue summoned the stupid cat and asked it to help tidy up Qian Yun.

Qian Yun was amazed by this superb disguise technique, but he didn't say much.

The four quickly set out on the road, but the three soldiers were still blocked outside the formation and had no idea what was going on inside.

Qian Yun was secretly startled, it really is that there are people outside the mountains and mountains outside the mountains.

"Axue, do you think Qian Yun can be trusted?" Dugu Sheng asked with a smile.

Baili Qinxue lowered her voice, and secretly analyzed: "His eyes are clear and clear. Someone who can have such eyes must not be a bad person, big bun, what do you think?"

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips and said with a smile: "My thoughts are A Xue's thoughts."

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

Soon he left the mountain and returned to the city. Zhao Yu walked ahead with his hands behind his back and said, "I heard that Master Song would go to Cuixianju to drink tea and taste poems at noon, and meet friends through literature."


(End of this chapter)

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