Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1049 If you can match what you like...

Chapter 1049 If you can match what you like...

Civil servants are really extraordinary, they like to dance and write when they have nothing to do, to cultivate their sentiments, the corners of Baili Qinxue's mouth twitched slightly.

"Then shall we go to Cuixianju right now?" She asked aloud.

"That's natural." Zhao Yu whispered, striding ahead.

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes and sneered coldly.

Qian Yun's posture was straight, and he didn't say a word after following the large army, for fear that his identity would be seen through.

The four of them soon came to Cuixianju.

Cuixianju suits its name very well, the people sitting in it are all literati, all of them get together and talk a lot, those who like to read are delighted to hear it, while those who don’t like to read will feel very headache.

Zhao Yu rubbed his head and said, "Although I like to read books, all I read are military books. It really hurts my head to hear these things."

"My head hurts too, and I can't understand..." Qian Yun frowned. He might as well go to war if he listened to such things.

"I didn't ask you to listen to these things either." Baili Qinxue turned her head, her clear black eyes were like black holes, extremely deep, "Hurry up and find someone, so as not to delay the time."

Zhao Yu and Qian Yun hurriedly kept silent, and turned their heads to look inside Cuixianju.

Both of them have seen Lord Song before, so it is not difficult to find them.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng followed behind them slowly, and went to the counter to get some tea to drink.

"I saw it, Mr. Song is over there." Zhao Yu pointed quietly.

Baili Qinxue looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a tall, thin old man standing surrounded by crowds. The old man had gray hair and long beard, but his eyes were like eagles and tigers. Not at all like it should be at this age, the old man was dressed in casual clothes, arguing with someone with red eyes and a thick neck.

"There are so many people, how to get in?" Zhao Yu was slightly troubled.

Dugu Sheng frowned slightly, in such a place where dragons and snakes were mixed, it was difficult to set up any formation.

"Let's go and see what the old man is arguing at the moment." Baili Qinxue approached with her sleeves brushed, her eyes sparkling, "If you can match what you like, it will be easy to get close."

There is a wing room upstairs in Cuixianju, if you can invite Mr. Song into it, what can you say is not easy?
Baili Qinxue stood still, and soon realized that they were arguing about the war.

"I heard that the three generals of the Xilan Kingdom died for no reason in our Southern Kingdom. The King of Xilan was furious and would definitely attack."

"I think so too. I heard that King Xilan will retaliate when he barks his teeth. It seems that we will not escape the washing of the war in the Southern Kingdom."

Mr. Song brushed his beard and snorted coldly, "I don't think this battle will be fought."

"Where did you come from, old man?" Several people who were discussing turned their heads and couldn't help showing disgust, "What can you know as an old man, it's better to go back and squat at home early to live the rest of your life."

"Huangkou children, how dare you talk to this old man like that." Master Song's face was gloomy, "When I was studying, I'm afraid you were not born yet."

The faces of the few people froze, and they became even more displeased with the old man who appeared out of nowhere, "You old man is always alarmist, I don't believe you know more than us."

Mr. Song can be regarded as the head of civil servants, this group of small shrimps dare to show off their elegance in front of big shots, Baili Qinxue couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw it.

"Have you never heard of a saying called "Live and learn?"


(End of this chapter)

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