Chapter 1057 We can use the terrain...

Everyone was silent, and Old General Zhao's expression was also very serious, "In terms of military strength, there is a huge gap between our military strength and Weinan Lin Che's. A mere [-] troops is not enough at all, but if we talk about tactics After all, the stinky boy and I have read military books for several years, as long as we have the heart, we will be able to plan some relatively good tactics."

Hearing this, Qian Yun took a deep breath and couldn't relax at all.

"Old general, Qian Yun is incompetent. He can't help you and the crown prince solve your problems. In the end, you only got [-] troops." Qian Yun lowered his eyes and his voice was low.

"No problem, don't you still have [-] troops?" Old General Zhao patted him on the shoulder, and said in a voice of relief, "If we rely on us alone, we may not even have [-] troops. Now it is already considered Very good, the next step is to rely on outsmart..."

"That's right, it's about outsmarting..." Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes, "I don't believe that after studying military books for so many years, I still can't compare to Lin Che Weinan."

Hearing this, Qian Yun felt a little better, "I'm also relieved to hear you say that. I'm afraid that the old general will blame you. Weinan Lin Che has a strong army, and I'm also afraid that you will be down."

"We've come this far, so there's no time to be down." Baili Qinxue continued: "The troops are weak, and we can rely on the terrain. The terrain outside the king's city is complicated. Isn't there a valley with many mountains near the periphery? ?"

"In the past few days, when we went out for a walk, we also figured out the terrain here." Dugu Sheng stood up, brushed the rim of the cup with his slender fingertips, and said with a smile: "You are natives of Weinan, so you must know this valley How, the beauty of this valley, right?"


Zhao Yu's eyes lit up suddenly, and he seemed to know what Baili Qinxue and the others were thinking in an instant, "We can't fight on flat ground, so we can lie in ambush in the valley, and catch everyone by surprise..."

"This is a good way." Old General Zhao tapped on the table. "But before that, we must think of a good way to lure all Lin Che's soldiers from Weinan, otherwise it will be futile."

"This is true." Zhao Yu lowered his eyes and thought.

"Don't worry." Baili Qinxue said, her clear voice was extremely pleasant, "The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and besides the military strength, we have so many powerful people here, just relax."

When the time comes, she will secretly release the army of monsters, and she won't take all of Weinan Linche's lair.

Several people smiled and did not speak, and chattered for a while before Master Song and Qian Yun left.According to what Qian Yun said, Weinan Lin Che has been thinking of a way these days, how to bring Wei Nanzi and the others together, but before that, the rebellious Wei Nan Lin Che still wanted to ascend the throne and become the king.

Therefore, Wei Nan Lin Che's plan must be completely shattered before then.

And this time...

The king who was lying on the bed suddenly trembled with his fingertips, and his eyelids slowly opened...


three days later.

Weinan Lin Che put on a bright dragon robe and prepared for the enthronement ceremony. On this day, the whole country was full of joy, but the sky was dark and dark, and there was a sense of terror that a storm was about to come.

Wei Nan Lin Che was extremely depressed in his heart, sure enough, if Wei Nan Zi and the others were not found, the big stone in his heart would not fall.

But today is a big day, and Lin Che didn't show his emotions.


(End of this chapter)

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