Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1058 3 Prince, You Shouldn't Succession

Chapter 1058 Third Prince, You Shouldn't Succeed

His smile was still warm, but there was a touch of sharpness behind the warmth, like a goshawk circling in the sky, with a stern look, wearing a yellow dragon robe, which revealed his aura even more.

In the magnificent Qionglou Palace, the father-in-law in charge read out the imperial edict of the late king.

During the reading of the imperial edict, Weinan Lin Che walked slowly on the deep red carpet. The carpet was so long that she couldn't finish walking in a while. Weinan Lin Che flicked her sleeves, and the smile in her eyes deepened.

As long as the edict is read out, he will be able to ascend the throne and become a legitimate king.

But at this time...

"Wait a minute." Mr. Song stood up suddenly, followed by many civil servants.

Weinan Lin Che was displeased, "Master Song, what do you have to say?"

"I feel that the name of the third prince's succession is unfair." Lord Song said with narrowed eyes, neither humble nor overbearing.

It was said that some officials in the court breathed a sigh of relief for the first time, but this Lord Song was bold enough to say such outrageous words.

"Master Song, do you know what you're talking about?" Weinan Lin Che paused, his eyes were fierce, as if he could strangle Master Song to death in an instant.

The father-in-law in charge also paused, wondering if the edict should be read out.

"I naturally know what I'm talking about." Master Song narrowed his eyes, although he was old, but his aura had not weakened by half, "I feel that the name of the third prince's succession is not right, and these days the king I have never shown up, and I have never heard that the king abolished the crown prince and would pass on the title of king to the third prince."

Mr. Song is very serious about his words, especially in the words "Three Princes".

It seemed to remind Weinan Lin Che of her identity all the time.

Wei Nan Lin Che was so angry that his cheeks were livid, and there was murderous intent in his eyes, "Master Song, you are so brave, you dare to question the decision of the king, are you guilty?"

"This humble minister is not guilty." Lord Song showed no fear in his eyes, "And whether this is the king's decision, the third prince should know best in his heart."

One mouthful of the third prince, one mouthful of the third prince, making people upset.

Weinan Lin Che gritted her teeth, and the coldness in her eyes suddenly overflowed, "Master Song, I don't care about you because you are the elder of the court, but if you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude."

"The third prince has become angry from embarrassment?" Mr. Song sneered, the expression in his eyes made Weinan Lin Che very uncomfortable.

Wei Nan Lin Che was sullen. Normally, Master Song was full of talk and seldom intervened in court affairs. He looked timid for fear of getting into trouble, but today he jumped up and down as if he had taken the wrong medicine.

"Come to think of it, Mr. Song is sick today, that's why he was talking nonsense." Weinan Lin Che narrowed his eyes, only then did he realize that there were many civil servants standing beside Mr. Song. The civil servants were all standing upright, obviously they were with Mr. Song.

The more Weinan Lin Che looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. This posture was obviously to prevent him from succeeding to the throne. Could it be that they wanted to rebel?

"Master Song, what do you want to do?" Lin Che Weinan narrowed his eyes, and a dark light flashed across his dark eyes, "I want to remind you that there are people from my palace inside and out. , if you can't think about what to do, I'm afraid there won't even be a whole body left, Mr. Song must carefully consider what should be done and what should not be done..."

"My minister, of course I know what I'm doing, the third prince doesn't need to remind me." Master Song was confident and didn't take his words to heart.


(End of this chapter)

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