Chapter 1060

After all, they were all from Wei Nan Lin Che, and they were all scared when they saw the king standing upright.

One by one, they were scared.Weinan Lin Che sneered, and the anger in his eyes became even worse, "What are you afraid of, this person is definitely not the father, but someone who pretended to be someone, just to confuse the public."

As soon as this remark came out, the civil servants were a little relieved.

King Weinan narrowed his eyes and did not speak, Lord Song stood up and said sharply: "Look, my humble minister, it is you, the third prince, who poisoned the king and abolished the prince. Your Excellency, each of these crimes is a serious crime, and will put the Third Prince to death, Third Prince, it is too late to stop now."

He has hundreds of thousands, or even millions of soldiers and horses in his hands. It is simply wishful thinking for him to stop at this moment.

"Come here." He squinted his eyes and flicked his sleeves, and there was no trace of affection in his tone, "This man pretends to be the father, Lord Song and those lords colluded with the person pretending to be the king, I thought they had already The idea of ​​seizing the position is not to quickly take down these people."

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers guarding the door rushed in with knives and guns.

"Lin Che Weinan, you are still obsessed with obsession." The Great King Weinan pointed his hand, and the anger in his eyes seemed to burn him, "Lin Che Weinan, you poisoned me, and at this moment, you want to marry me again. Your heart is really cruel when several ministers are put to death, so I don't need to think about love."

"Take it down for me." Wei Nan Lin Che waved his hand, and all the soldiers rushed forward.

Weinan Lin Che stood where she was, rubbing her temples.

I thought the soldiers would catch these powerless civil servants and King Weinan who was alone, but...

A little white light floated from where they were, and then, there was a "bang".

The sound of glass breaking rang in my ears, and the officials and King Weinan turned into little dots and disappeared in an instant.

"Prince, those rebellious officials and thieves have disappeared." The soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay. What kind of magical kung fu was this? Several living people disappeared completely.

Weinan Lin Che was also stunned by the scene in front of him. After thinking carefully for a moment, he suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Oops, I have fallen for their tricks, no wonder those civil servants have so little expression on their faces." , I have nothing to worry about, it turns out that the person talking to Bengong is not a real person at all."

The soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, and it sounded like they were very powerful.

"The prince, what should we do now, do we want to take advantage of the victory and pursue it?" The soldiers asked hurriedly, not knowing what to do.

"Pursuit?" Weinan Lin Che sneered, "I don't even know where they are escaping, so how can I take advantage of the victory to pursue them? No wonder Mr. Song has been getting very close to the civil servants in the court these days. Collusion..."

Wei Nan Lin Che stopped short, the expression in his eyes flickered slightly.

"Go down quickly and help me bring General Qian Yun up." Qian Yun was originally trained by General Zhao, so he wouldn't have been bribed, right?

Really afraid of something, a soldier rushed to report, saying: "Prince, something is wrong."

"What's the matter?" Weinan Lin Che's eyebrows twitched.

"Earlier, General Qian Yun ran away with a lot of soldiers." The soldiers told the truth, "At this moment, General Qian Yun is actually stationed outside the royal city, ten miles away, trying to annex the royal city."


(End of this chapter)

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