Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1061 That bastard Qian Yun actually betrayed!

Chapter 1061 That bastard Qian Yun actually betrayed!

"What?" Wei Nan Lin Che flicked his sleeves, and hurriedly said, "That bastard Qian Yun, is it really a traitor?"

"General Qian Yun was very strange when he came back from the border. He always said strange things to the soldiers in the army. Although he didn't win everyone's hearts, he got some of them." The soldiers felt that this was quite strange and thought It took a moment before he said it.

Hearing this, Weinan Lin Che's face darkened, "Since you all know this is strange, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs, Wei Nan Lin Che rubbed his temples, hating that iron can't make steel.

"I thought that General Qian Yun just said it casually and didn't take it to heart. Now that I think about it, I find it very strange..." The soldiers fought fiercely, and they were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe.

"Stupid." Weinan Lin Che scolded angrily, the stern look in the bottom of her eyes was like a sharp knife blade, "You guys are hiding such an important matter, and now that something like this happened, you can't absolve yourself of the blame. Hurry up and get the board."

The soldiers fought fiercely, as long as they could save their lives.

They swallowed and ran away.

"Wait a minute, who told you to go away." Weinan Lin Che narrowed her eyes and her voice was cold.

The soldiers suddenly stopped, trembling slightly.

"I ask you, how many troops do Qian Yun and the others have?" Weinan Lin Che rolled his eyes. The most hateful thing is that the three generals of Xilan Kingdom and Lin Fenglie have all died. Otherwise, he wouldn't have fought with him. The Xilan Kingdom was in a state of stalemate.

At least in the beginning, Xilan Kingdom could send troops to attack from both sides. Forgive them, no matter how powerful they are, they won't be able to escape from Wuzhi Mountain.

Unfortunately, things backfired, he still doesn't know who killed the three generals and rescued everyone from the palace. He didn't remember that Wei Nanzi and the others knew such a powerful person.

He pursed his lips, really upset.

Wei Nanzi and the others are really blessed and lucky...

"They only have [-] troops." The soldiers blurted out.

Only fifty thousand?
Weinan Lin Che paused, then chuckled again, "It's only [-] yuan and you dare to come and yell at me. This General Qian Yun really has nothing to fear. He only dares to be so presumptuous with the support of Zhao Yu and the others behind him. Send the order down..."

Lin Che gave a loud shout.

The soldiers looked at him in unison, waiting for his next words.

"I want to go to the battlefield in person to welcome Wangdi and Zhao Yu back. I have to treat them well and ask them why they must fight against me..." At the end, Lin Che gritted her teeth. , the coldness in his eyes kept overflowing.

The soldiers shuddered, and then they flew down.

The remaining civil servants looked at each other in blank dismay. Although the king was transformed by a blindfold, it is not ruled out that the king was really saved, so what should they do now?

Continue to follow Wei Nan Lin Che, or go to join Qian Yun outside the king's city.

But Qian Yun only has [-] soldiers and horses, and idiots know who will win, even if the king is in Qian Yun's camp, so what, the winner will always be Weinan Lin Che, the power of a million soldiers and horses cannot be overshadowed, besides Well, Lin Che has a lot of scheming in his heart, so he will definitely not let himself lose.

Thinking of this, the civil servants instantly felt at ease.

"The ministers are willing to follow the crown prince at all times, and ask the crown prince to succeed quickly and take charge of the overall situation." The civil servants knelt down and persuaded.

Wei Nan Lin Che felt relieved to hear that, but these civil servants gave some winks, fortunately they didn't raise them for nothing.


(End of this chapter)

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