Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1067 Are they here to feed the mosquitoes?

Chapter 1067 Are they here to feed the mosquitoes?

Old General Zhao's eyes lit up, "What do those two mean?"

"We can take advantage of this matter to use a little strategy..." Baili Qinxue slightly hooked the corners of her lips, her eyes were tinged with a smile, but also cold.

Hearing this, several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and secretly began to plan a plan in their hearts.

into the night.

Weinan Lin Che's tent was brightly lit, and countless soldiers were patrolling outside the tent. For a while, the sound of armor rubbing rang in his ears, endlessly.

Weinan Lin Che opened the military tent and walked out slowly.

The lights outside were brightly lit, and the full moon in the sky was also emitting a dim light. Weinan Lin Che raised his eyes to look at the sky, his eyes were stained with the color of the moon, and became more mysterious and eerie.

At this time, a small soldier came to report, "Report to the king, all the ambushes in the camp have been set up, the king can rest assured, if those thieves come, they will surely escape with their wings."

Hearing this, the corners of Weinan Lin Che's mouth twitched slightly, "You've done a good job, so hurry up and suffer. If you really catch the thief, I will reward you with countless gold and silver treasures."

Gold and silver treasures...

When the soldier heard this, greedy eyes appeared in his eyes, "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will definitely handle this matter properly."

Weinan Lin Che responded and waved again.

The soldier understood and hurriedly retreated.

As soon as the soldiers left, the corners of Weinan Lin Che's mouth curled up slightly again, and the look in his eyes flickered, with an indescribable weirdness, "Weinan Zi, Zhao Yu, and everyone else, you can't escape The palm of my hand, I want you to know that I am the king who rules this royal city, the undefeated king..."

He laughed a few times, his face contorted.

The night was dark, and all the lights in the tents were extinguished. Wei Nanlin Che stayed in a certain tent, waiting for Wei Nan Zi and the others to arrive.In the nights of this month, there will still be mosquito bites. Many soldiers have been bitten by mosquitoes, but they dare not relax their vigilance to scratch them, but they are itchy to death.

Weinan Lin Che also gathered a lot of nasty mosquitoes, and then, the mosquitoes bit...

His right cheek immediately started to itch, and Lin Che's face darkened, but he didn't dare to scratch it, for fear of making some noise and scaring people away.

The night is getting darker and darker, and there are more and more mosquitoes.

Wei Nan Lin Che had already fed a lot of mosquitoes, but the tent was unusually quiet, and he didn't see Wei Nan Zi and the others.

This is not right, they would let go of such an excellent sneak attack opportunity?
Weinan Lin Che squinted, always feeling a little disbelieving, they definitely wanted to come later, after they were fully asleep.

"Your Majesty, the rebellious ministers and thieves are still in the future, so they won't come?" General Bai yawned, and asked cautiously, "Then shall we withdraw our troops and go back to rest?"

"Rest?" Wei Nan Lin Che tilted his head and said with a sneer, "A group of winebags and rice bags only know how to eat, drink and sleep, Wei Nanzi and the others will definitely come, you just stay here, don't talk so much nonsense."

General Bai was swallowed, and was too frightened to speak nonsense.

Wei Nan Lin Che clenched his fingertips and kept staring ahead, afraid of missing something, but the night was late and people were quiet, but he never saw Wei Nan Zi and the others.

Wei Nan Lin Che's complexion was as black as the bottom of a pot. He had already fed the mosquitoes here, and it was really annoying that he didn't get any results. He scratched his cheek resentfully, but the more he scratched, the more itchy he got, and in the end it became more and more unbearable. Pack it up.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" General Bai swallowed and asked very carefully.


(End of this chapter)

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