Chapter 1068 I went to find them myself

"It's fine, I'm fine." Lin Che gritted her teeth, never giving up, "Wait a little longer, I believe Wei Nanzi and the others are definitely on their way."

Weinan Lin Che didn't give up.

General Bai felt a little like dying, tired and sleepy, and kept feeding mosquitoes, it was a hell on earth, but he dared not speak out.

"Your Majesty, you have to be careful..." General Bai tried to put it another way, with a dull tone.

Weinan Lin Che didn't take his words to heart, but pursed her lips and said, "Be careful, don't miss a single detail."

"..." The corners of General Bai's mouth twitched. Saying it was tantamount to saying nothing, and he had to guard it.

The sky was faintly pale, but Lin Che and the others were still guarding the camp.Some useless little soldiers couldn't stand it anymore, and had already secretly fallen asleep. General Bai had been standing beside Lin Che in Weinan, daring to sleep even if he wanted to.

He didn't expect Weinan Lin Che's spirit to be so good, and he was still in good spirits after a night of sleepless nights. On the other hand, he was so tired that he could barely open his eyes.

"Your Majesty, the traitors must be afraid of your Majesty's majesty, that's why they didn't dare to attack you." Seeing Weinan Lin Che's face as dark as the bottom of a pot, General Bai carefully said all kinds of nice words.

Weinan Lin Che frowned and thought, but said nothing.

General Bai looked at the distraught soldiers, and said enviously, "Your Majesty, you haven't rested all night, why don't you take a rest and conserve your strength so that you can fight against the thieves, and the soldiers seem to be a little tired too. It's..."

Weinan Lin Che looked sideways and saw that the soldiers were fast asleep. He also yawned a few times as if infected.

"Then go and rest for a while..." Weinan Lin Che waved his hand, and slowly returned to his tent. Once he entered the tent, the expression on his face changed, and he slammed all the teacups on the table. brush off.

"Damn Wei Nanzi, you don't dare to come and attack..." Wei Nanlin Che stomped on the fragments of teacups on the ground, seeming to regard them as Wei Nanzi. After stepping on them for a while, Wei Nan Lin Che felt relieved down.

He lay down on the bed with his eyes slightly closed. After a while, he suddenly opened them, as if thinking of something, the pupils became sharper.

"If Wei Nanzi and the others don't come, then I will go find them in person. I have a million troops, and I'm afraid they are only [-]?" Wei Nan Lin Che sat up, and his eyes became darker.

"Come here." Weinan Lin Che shouted out of the tent, and the soldiers guarding outside rushed in.

"Help me call General Bai." Weinan Lin Che said, the little soldier understood and immediately opened the military tent and ran out, calling General Bai after a while.

General Bai was woken up just after falling asleep, and he was in a bad mood, but when he saw Lin Che's deep eyes in Weinan, his whole body shivered, and he no longer dared to play petty temper.

"My humble ministers see the king." General Bai knelt down and saluted, "I don't know what the king called the humble ministers to come here?"

"General Bai, immediately mobilize elite soldiers and follow me into the enemy's camp to attack the Yellow Dragon." Weinan Lin Che stood in front of the window, the sunlight slowly shone in, and pale golden light jumped on him, soaking his whole body.

General Bai choked for breath, never expecting him to come here.

"Your Majesty is going to fight now?" General Bai couldn't help asking again.

The soldiers are still sleeping. They have not fully recovered their physical strength after a long day of exhaustion. If they go to fight now, it may be a bit mysterious.


(End of this chapter)

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