Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1069 The end of the rebellious officials and thieves?

Chapter 1069 The end of the rebellious officials and thieves?

"That's what I mean." Wei Nan Lin Che turned sideways, the sunlight was dizzy in his eyes, "Don't tell me, General Bai didn't have the confidence to wipe out all of Wei Nan Zi's [-] troops at all?"

General Bai took a breath, "Your Majesty, with only [-] troops, I still have the confidence to wipe them out."

"Why don't you hurry up and get ready?" Wei Nan Lin Che glanced over with a cold look.

General Bai immediately nodded, opened the military tent and was about to run outside. At this moment, Lin Che’s words from Weinan came again, “Weapons are indispensable for going out. You can throw away the broken copper and rotten iron in your hands. Another bigger one Aren’t there several boxes of good weapons in the camp, you can distribute one to each of the soldiers.”

Hearing this, General Bai's eyes lit up.

He had seen those weapons, they were all excellent, and he didn't know where Wei Nan Lin Che got them.

"My lord, can I really send out all those weapons?" General Bai swallowed, his eyes sparkling when talking about weapons, and he had to choose a good one when the time came, hahaha.

"Naturally." Weinan Lin Che glanced at him, not paying attention to the greed in his eyes, "These weapons were originally acquired by me to be added to the army, so why don't you hurry down to avoid delays? It's time."

General Bai was overjoyed and ran out hastily.

After General Bai left, the expression in Lin Che's eyes changed again, it was an extremely cold and frightening expression.Soon, General Bai distributed the weapons and assembled all the soldiers in an instant.

The soldiers originally had some complaints, but seeing such a good weapon in front of them, they couldn't even complain, and they all praised Wei Nan Lin Che's generosity.

When Weinan Lin Che came out, he heard the praise of the soldiers. He was overjoyed, and the smile on his lips was extraordinarily delicate and warm.

"Soldiers, after capturing all the rebellious officials and thieves, you can go back and have a good rest." Weinan Lin Che shouted, "At this moment, in order to live a stable life, there is only one thing you need to do, and that is to put All the rebellious officials and thieves have been captured, do you have the confidence to do it?"

The soldiers blurted out, "It can be done."

Wei Nan Lin Che stood in the crowd with a sinister look in his eyes.

Wei Nanzi and the others are just kidding, haha.

With a "clang clang", he pulled out the saber from his waist and held it high above the sky.

"Soldiers, go out." He turned and jumped on his horse, shouting loudly.

When the soldiers heard his voice, their spirits were also lifted. They cheered up, shouted, and slowly followed Wei Nan Lin Che's footsteps.

Today's sky was clear and clear just now, but at this moment, the clouds in the sky are a bit dark and heavy, as if they are about to fall.

Weinan Lin Che raised his eyes, and the scene of dark clouds suddenly made him feel depressed.

As if something will end today.

He squinted his eyes and continued to ride forward, as if he didn't pay attention to this scene.

"My lord, the weather seems a bit bad today." General Bai rode forward side by side with Weinan Lin Che. Thinking of the awkward atmosphere, he pursed his lips before he spoke.

Weinan Lin Che looked straight ahead, without even giving him a look, "The sky was fine in the morning, but it's completely dark now. I think this day will herald the end of the rebellious officials and thieves."


(End of this chapter)

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