Chapter 1070 Bring the Torch!

General Bai was excited when he heard that, "Your Majesty is right, today is the day for the death of rebellious officials and thieves."

Weinan Lin Che pursed her lips and sneered, but didn't speak for a long time.

After riding for a while, a few camp tents were imprinted in his eyes not far away. The tents were dark blue and black, standing in the wind, with a majestic and extraordinary aura. Weinan Lin Che looked at them coldly, and the expression in his eyes gradually changed. cold.

"Your Majesty, that's the camp of the rebellious officials and thieves." General Bai pointed out.

"Tell the soldiers to get closer." Weinan Lin Che approached on horseback, the closer he got, the more his heart beat harder, and then, a touch of ecstasy slowly emerged, as if Weinanzi and the others had been caught Same.

"Soldiers, come closer, the king will reward you when you catch the rebellious ministers and thieves." General Bai shouted loudly, leading the soldiers forward.

Hearing the award, the soldiers were even more excited, and continued to move forward with their weapons in hand, completely forgetting that they didn't rest much in the morning, nor did they have breakfast.

"Woo..." Weinan Lin Che tightened the reins and stopped only a meter away from the camp. He looked sideways at General Bai and said, "General Bai, the traitors are still hiding in the tent and refuse to come out." , what do you say now?"

General Bai rolled his eyes, "Your Majesty, this is easy to handle. As long as we throw a few torches in, are we afraid that we won't smoke out the rebellious officials and thieves?"

"Since there is a solution, let's do it." Weinan Lin Che waved his hands, his eyes fell on the tents in front of him for a moment, but he always felt that these tents were a bit weird.

Fifty thousand soldiers is indeed very small, but these soldiers are all gathered in one tent, do they not need to patrol, will it be so quiet?
The camp in front of me was dead silent, as if it was completely empty.

But Wei Nanzi and the others are cunning by nature, so they will definitely not submit obediently. Some ambushes must have been set up in these camps. Wei Nan Lin Che gritted his teeth. He is the king of a country, and he must not put himself in danger.

Just as he was thinking, General Bai had already prepared the torch.

Weinan Lin Che turned his head and saw the raging fire burning continuously. In the light of the fire, he could still see the top of the red-burned wooden stick. He slightly curled his lips, and the coldness in his eyes filled his eyes, "General Bai's strategy this time That’s right, since you’ve got the torch, let’s throw it out quickly.”

Hearing the praise, General Bai was a little flustered, he casually threw the torch in his hand, and the next second...

The torch fell on the camp tent, and the fire burned instantly, and black smoke slowly emerged.

Weinan Lin Che looked at the torch in front of him, and smiled very coldly, "Weinanzi, you are 100 years too early to fight with me, if you don't come out now, you will be burned to death by the fire, if you were earlier Come out, I may spare your lives."

He shouted, trying to force Wei Nanzi and the others out.

But after a long time, there was no movement at all in the tent, Weinan Lin Che's face darkened, these rebellious officials and thieves would really be patient, or in other words, they just wanted to use this trick to hint that they were not there, so that they would be useless And back...

After figuring it out, Weinan Lin Che widened his eyes, which revealed a strong look of anger.

"Your Majesty, the traitors are still not coming out. Could it be that they are not in the camp at all, should we retreat and go back to discuss a long-term plan?" After a long time, no one was forced to come out. General Bai felt bored and couldn't help suggesting. .

"Retreat?" Lin Che Weinan narrowed his eyes, and the waves in his eyes were turbulent.


(End of this chapter)

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