Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1071 The soldier who ran out of the tent...

Chapter 1071 The soldier who ran out of the tent...

He sternly said: "I have come here with great difficulty, how can I say that I will retreat when I say retreat, and how can General Bai know that the traitors are not in the camp?"

"They haven't come out yet..." General Bai said with a trembling heart.

The sarcasm in Weinan Lin Che's eyes became even stronger, he sneered, and his tone became more serious, "General Bai, you really only look at the surface, you never thought that the rebellious officials and thieves are just wasting time with us, if they can endure If we don’t come out, we will retreat when we think there is no one there, and then they will be able to escape.”

Hearing this, General Bai suddenly realized, he slapped his thigh and said: "You are so cunning, Your Majesty, what should we do?"

"Go and prepare more torches, I don't believe they can make it through." Weinan Lin Che raised his eyebrows, staring fiercely at the tent not far away, "Today, I will definitely kill them one by one." Get them all out."

General Bai understood, and immediately went down to prepare some more torches. He just wanted to throw the torches out, but the next second...

A slender white hand stretched out and snatched all the torches in his hand. General Bai trembled and asked subconsciously, "Your Majesty, what are you?"

"I want to personally force these rebellious officials and thieves out, so you can just watch from the sidelines." Weinan Lin Che's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly threw the torch out of his hand.

"whoosh whoosh"

The torch fell on the tents not far away, and several tents were caught in the flames and burned quickly. In an instant, black smoke billowed and the smell was unpleasant. Looking at the flames that filled the sky, Weinan Lin Che felt a burst of joy in his heart.

"General Bai, bring out some more torches." Weinan Lin Che sneered, "If they don't come out again today, I don't mind roasting them all."

General Bai trembled all over. This Weinan Lin Che was really cruel and merciless. He was probably just pretending to be gentle and gentle... He didn't dare to delay, so he went down and got a lot of torches.

Weinan Lin Che took it, then threw it away.

"whoosh whoosh"

"whoosh whoosh"

The camp not far away turned into a sea of ​​flames in an instant, but there was still no one there.

"My lord, their endurance is so good?" General Bai was a little incredulous.The camp was full of fire, like a sea of ​​flames, and those rebellious officials and thieves still haven't appeared?

Weinan Lin Che gritted her teeth, and something was wrong in her heart, "Stupid, they must have evacuated long ago after receiving some news, damn it..."

General Bai blinked, sure enough, the traitors are not in the tent...

"Give the order, today first..." Wei Nan Lin Che was about to evacuate when he heard a little movement from the tent not far away, and then...

A small black figure ran out of the tent, and when she saw the flames in the sky, she opened her mouth in surprise, "My God, why is it on fire, I just want to go back to the tent to get some things."

"Look, my lord, there is a person over there. Could it be that he was sent by the traitors to fetch things?" General Bai's eyes were sharp, and he quickly spotted the figure.

"I saw it too." Weinan Lin Che narrowed his eyes, "General Bai's guess is reasonable. The rebellious officials and thieves left in a hurry, and it is understandable that they forgot to take some things. Now let a soldier come back to pick it up, even if the soldier is killed. There will be no loss, they are very calculating..."

"Then what should we do, my lord, do we need to do this?" General Bai made a gesture of wiping his neck.


(End of this chapter)

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