Chapter 1072 Follow her! !

Wei Nan Lin Che waved his hand to stop, "You don't need to kill them, you just need to follow this little soldier and you can find their territory. When the time comes to make a surprise attack, are you afraid that they won't obediently catch them with nothing?"

General Bai's eyes lit up, "Your Majesty is a good planner, but wouldn't it be strange for a small soldier to appear suddenly?"

"It's really strange..." Weinan Lin Che pursed her lips, "But you won't catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den. Besides, they only have [-] troops. Forgive them, they can't make any big waves, they are just dying."

Wei Nan Lin Che was very confident in his own military strength, and desperately wanted to catch Wei Nan Zi and the others so that they could rest easy, that's when he thought of going into the tiger's den.

"My lord, that little soldier has already run away, should we catch up?" General Bai shouted when he saw the little soldier riding out like a gust of wind.

"Chasing, you have to chase." Weinan Lin Che clamped the horse's belly, and the horse galloped away immediately.

General Bai was stunned for a moment, and led and chased after him.

Hearing the movement behind her, Baili Qinxue drooped her eyes, and there was a deep smile in her eyes hidden under the eyelashes. Weinan Lin Che and the others really came after her, and their painstaking design was not in vain.

She raised her eyes suddenly, and kept staring at the front, her eyes were as bright as the morning sun, and the light filled the air.

Riding a steed to the valley, Weinan Lin Che and the others have been following behind, not daring to lag behind.Baili Qinxue tilted her head calmly, and the smile in her eyes grew stronger.

Good job, these idiots are pressing on every step of the way, and the next thing will be easy to handle.

Baili Qinxue pretended not to see it, and rode a horse to the center of the valley. In an instant, several camp tents came into view.

"Look, my lord." General Bai stretched out his hand, his eyes lit up instantly, "There are several tents in front, those traitors and thieves must be hiding in these tents, and there are very few escape routes in this valley, and it is difficult for them to spread their wings. Fly."

There was also a faint smile in Weinan Lin Che's eyes, "This little soldier has done a good job and led us the way. Those traitorous officials and thieves will definitely fall into my hands."

The valley was dark. At this time, the wind in the valley was faintly strong. When the wind blew, it was a bit cool and there was some fine dust. Weinan Lin Che blocked her eyes with her hands.

General Bai roared in a rough voice: "Soldier in front, thank you for leading the way for our king."

When the wind blew, General Bai's voice still came to Baili Qinxue's ears clearly. Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and the moment she turned around, the look in her eyes changed, becoming extremely shocked and frightened.

"Weinan Lin Che..." Baili Qinxue's eyes widened suddenly, "Why are you here with so many soldiers..."

General Bai hooked his lips, and a sneer appeared in his thick eyebrows and big eyes, "Thank you for leading us, if you hadn't happened to appear in the camp, we would have never followed your footsteps to find this place, you are also our king's You are a great hero, so we will leave you a whole body, so you won't die too painfully."

"You were following me, the camp was on fire just now..." Baili Qinxue took a step back in fright, "It's you, it's your fault, I'm sorry for the crown prince, I'm sorry for the king, I'm sorry for the old general Zhao..."

Baili Qinxue felt remorse in her heart, and when she met Shangwei Nan Lin Che's gaze, there was a bit more regret and anger in her eyes.

Excuse me, my lord?
Wei Nan Lin Che's heart trembled, his father really woke up, it was really a blessing, so these people couldn't stay.


(End of this chapter)

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