Chapter 1079 Retired?
In the past years, he only lived to win the throne, and those people he made friends with would follow him only for profit, for example, Lin Fenglie, for example, the three fierce generals of Xilan Kingdom, or those who had already rebelled Soldier.

Thinking about it now, he actually felt that his life in those years was so meaningless.

And Wei Nanzi, who can easily get the position of prince and so many sincere friends, is not so much hated as jealous of him, madly jealous of him.

Therefore, this kind of unwillingness accumulates more and more, so I think about taking the position...

"That's because you never used your sincerity..." Wei Nanzi narrowed his eyes, "It's just means, it's to win over, it's to use, so even a true friend will gradually leave you."

Weinan Lin Che didn't speak, but laughed at herself.

At this moment, Weinan Lin Che had no power to fight back, and Baili Qinxue let go of her hand.

Weinan Lin Che lay on the ground like a dead leaf. He raised his eyes and looked towards the dark valley, the self-mockery in his eyes became more and more intense.

"In the end, you still won..."

Wei Nanzi turned sideways, but still did not respond.

"My lord, what should I do now?" Master Song stepped forward and whispered in King Weinan's ear.

"Since the battle is victorious, let's go back to the royal city." King Weinan cast a glance at Weinan Lin Che, who was limp on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh, "It's my child after all, so I tied him up and stuffed him into the carriage. Bring it into the royal city."

Mr. Song also thinks that this is a good approach. After all, it is the third prince, even if he rebels, he is still the third prince. The dignity of the royal family cannot be compromised, but the common people must not let the people see the joke.

Old General Zhao and Qian Yun were evacuating the soldiers, and millions of soldiers left the valley in mighty force.

Zhao Yu and Lin Wanwan walked up to Wei Nanzi and patted him on the shoulder.

"What is little brother A Zi thinking about? This downcast expression is really ugly." Zhao Yu half-jokingly said.

Wei Nanzi pursed her lips, but said nothing.

"Hmm, is Ah Zi feeling sorry for Wei Nan Lin Che?" Lin Wanwan bit his finger.

Wei Nanzi trembled, whether she had discovered it or not, after a while, he nodded with difficulty, and said: "Actually, thinking about it now, if he doesn't have any complicated thoughts about fighting for the throne in his heart, we should be able to make a couple." Good brother, brother..."

"What if?" Zhao Yu laughed a few times, and said: "Who can guess what if, we just need to look forward, now that the big troops have left, why don't we hurry up and follow?"

Wei Nanzi turned sideways, and saw that Wei Nan Lin Che had already been tied up and escorted forward by some soldiers, and that General Bai was also taken back by Wuhuada.

"Then let's go." Wei Nanzi took a few steps, stopped suddenly, looked at Zhao Yu fiercely, and said, "Who did you call ugly just now?"

"Who else is there besides you?" Zhao Yu laughed loudly, the fiery red fox fur coat on his body was extremely flamboyant.

Wei Nanzi frowned, "Bastard, do you want to fight?"

In order not to be hurt, Lin Wanwan went directly to play with the four thieves and Little Pink.

"Axue, we can retire now." Dugu Sheng walked up to Baili Qinxue's side, pursing his lips.

Baili Qinxue turned her head sideways as she walked, and said, "That's true. Let's go back to Xiling College sometime. I don't know when Zhao Yu and the others will leave. Why don't we wait for them and go with them?"

"These are all according to A Xue." Dugu Sheng approached her with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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