Chapter 1080 Live in the palace!
Sensing his approach and his heat, Baili Qinxue was slightly dazed, her little face flushed a little.

Immediately, the two followed the large army.

The large army marched into the royal city, Zhao Yu and the others were all riding on fine horses, majestic and majestic.

Those civil servants sat in the carriage, while Lin Che and General Bai were locked in another simpler carriage.

The common people couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the carriage, they only knew that the people on the horses were majestic and there were a few familiar faces, and upon closer inspection, they found that the great king of the Southern Kingdom was also among them.

The common people were slightly taken aback. This scene told them that Wei Nan Lin Che had been defeated, King Wei Nan won the throne again, and after going around in circles, the crown prince still belonged to Wei Nan Zi.

The common people regained their composure and discussed in a hurry.

"I heard that King Weinan and the others only have [-] soldiers, but the third prince has a million soldiers."

"Fifty thousand? One million? This gap..."

"So, our King Weinan is the most powerful, and, don't you see, General Zhao is also among them, and General Qian Yun..."

The people looked sideways one after another, and their respect for the two generals grew more and more in their hearts.

Fifty thousand battled against a million, and they could not change their faces, and they were able to completely win. He is simply the god of war in the hearts of the common people.

"Long live, long live, long live, King Weinan."

"Old General Zhao is mighty, General Qian Yun is mighty..."

There were more and more people along the road, and the people kowtowed one after another, and the scene was extremely grand.

It was the first time for Baili Qinxue to see such a grand scene. Every citizen had smiles on their faces, and their eyes showed respect for the great heroes. It was rare to see such a scene except on TV.

"Axue, are you shocked?" Dugu Sheng asked with a smile.

Baili Qinxue regained her composure, and said with a smile, "I just feel that the scene is extremely grand, so I couldn't help but take a few more glances."

Dugu Sheng nodded subconsciously. Axue likes grand occasions. After abducting her to the island, she must make the island lively and let everyone on the island welcome her.

He thought joyfully, at this time the palace was close at hand.

The royal palace is solemn and majestic, but it is quiet inside. No wonder, all the soldiers inside were transferred to fight, and all the eunuchs and maidservants remained.

At this moment, it was not the time to go to the morning court. Those civil servants who took refuge in Weinan Linche were all resting at home. If they heard the news of Weinan Linche's defeat, they might already be on their way here.

King Weinan had some matters to deal with, so he took Old General Zhao and the others back to the palace first.

Before leaving, she asked her servant girl to prepare several nice palaces for Baili Qinxue and the others. The servant girl led them there, and Zhao Yu and the others followed with a smile.

The palace prepared by King Weinan for them is quiet and elegant, with rockery and strange rocks nearby, and the vegetation is in full bloom, not to mention how beautiful it is. Four thieves and Little Pink ran in with a smile. It was the first time they lived in such a beautiful palace, and they were so happy up.

"Well, what a beautiful palace, I want to live in it too..." Lin Wanwan and Smelly Bear looked at each other with longing in their eyes, "Well, even Smelly Bear thinks so."

Baili Qinxue chose a well-ventilated palace to live in, and soon, everyone else also chose.

After the election, several people felt that they were too tired today, so they all sat on chairs, drank tea, and rested to recover their strength.Baili Qinxue twirled the teacup, and asked casually: "The matter is finally over, when will you all return to the academy?"


(End of this chapter)

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