Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1081 Don't need so many light bulbs!

Chapter 1081 Don't need so many light bulbs!
Hearing this, Wei Nanzi's fingertips trembled, "There are still many things to do in the court, and it may take a while, but it won't be too late, are you in a hurry to go back?"

"Hey, it's rare for my little sister to come to Weinan, and I didn't take a good look at it, so I'm going back?" Zhao Yu exclaimed, with a look of regret on his face.

"Well, chicken legs, Wei Nanguo is very fun..." Lin Wanwan played with the fat paw of the stinky bear, and said: "Even the stinky bear thinks so, it would be a pity if the chicken legs had to go away..."

Look how excited they all are...

"I'm just asking casually." Baili Qinxue chuckled, "It would be the best if we can go back together."

"You said there are many interesting places in Weinan Kingdom?" Dugu Sheng raised his eyelids, and a smile flashed in his eyes, "What are the interesting places, tell them quickly, and let Axue and I go have a good time."

He wants to live a two-person world with Ah Xue, that's how willful he is.

"Naturally, there are many interesting places in the Weinan Kingdom. I can take you there one by one." Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows and said generously, "You can eat whatever you want, brother, I will pay for it for you."

The four thieves and Little Pink were heartbroken.

When Dugu Sheng heard this, Jun's face collapsed, "It doesn't sound that interesting, let's forget it, I see that this palace is not bad, why don't you just stroll around in the palace."

It's not fun to go out with a bunch of people, so he won't abuse himself.

"Hey, it's not going. Didn't you really yearn for it just now?" Zhao Yu was surprised again, why didn't this person play his cards with common sense, and said one thing and immediately turned into another.

Dugu Sheng lay lazily on the table without opening a mouth.

"He's lazy..." Baili Qinxue glanced at him lightly and said casually.

Dugu Sheng just smiled and said nothing.

After a while, a eunuch ran in from outside.

"Why is it in such a hurry?" Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows, and a doubt flashed in his eyes, "Is there something important happening outside?"

The little eunuch nodded hurriedly, and when he regained his breath, he said: "Prince, those civil servants who colluded with the third prince have all come to the palace just now, and now the king is going to court."

Guessing that those old foxes would come, Wei Nanzi's face was very calm, "Then, what happened?"

"Those civil servants saw that the situation was over, they all came here to plead guilty, but His Majesty didn't accept this trick, and dismissed them all for investigation, and put them in prison to wait for punishment." The little eunuch said slowly.

"Your father is decisive." Baili Qinxue rubbed her teacup and couldn't help smiling.

"Father is always like this. If you want to be ruthless, you should be ruthless, and if you want to be tender, you should be tender." The corners of Wei Nanzi's lips curled up slightly, "My father was my role model when I was young, and it is the same at this moment."

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes and said nothing.

"Only these news make you so anxious?" Zhao Yu looked at the little eunuch and teased with a smile.

"No, no, there is still a very important matter that I want to report." The little eunuch calmed down and said slowly: "The third prince was stripped of his title and reduced to a commoner. He was locked in the tower and could never come out. The Third Prince's Mansion was also ransacked, and a lot of gold and silver treasures were confiscated, and all the maids and servants in the mansion were sent out."

Take away the title and be locked in the tower forever?
That is equivalent to confinement, which seems to be more painful than death.

Wei Nanzi's expression darkened. After all, he was connected by blood, and he couldn't bear it. "For him, eternal confinement is more painful than death..."


(End of this chapter)

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