Chapter 1082
Zhao Yu got up, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "But in the eyes of outsiders, there is no harm to life, only confinement, which is considered a kind of kindness."

"That's true." Wei Nanzi nodded, and quickly returned to his original expression, "This will be the happiest result for everyone. It would be the best if he can cultivate himself in the tower."

Wei Nanzi looked at the little eunuch, waved his hand at him, and said: "I have received the news, you can retreat first."

The little eunuch bowed his head and quickly retreated.

Wei Nanzi and Zhao Yu sat in the palace for a while, and then went back soon.

Lin Wanwan hadn't left yet, she really planned to live in the palace, even the palace had been chosen, the maids looked at each other, and she was the only one left.

Later, the maids filed in, holding many women's gorgeous dresses and jewelry in their hands. The pearl and agate jewelry shone brightly under the candlelight, shining extremely brightly.

"Miss Baili Qinxue, these are gifts from the king." The maidservants laughed and said, "The king said that there will be a celebration banquet in the palace later, so please ask Miss Baili to dress up well."

Celebration banquet?dress up?

Baili Qinxue turned her head to the side and asked: "The king also prepared clothes for my friends?"

After seeing her appearance clearly, the little maids froze in place. They were fair and beautiful, and their dark eyes were looking forward to shine, and there was still a bit of clarity in them when they flowed. Compared with those spoiled princesses, this Baili girl showed a lot of beauty. The momentum that comes out makes people dare not look directly at it, it is a powerful beauty.

The little maids came back to their senses and said: "Your Majesty has naturally prepared for those friends of the girl. They should be changing their clothes at this moment."

Baili Qinxue nodded, since she is ready, she can't be special, just wear casual clothes, anyway, it's also a wish of King Weinan.

"Then put the things away." Baili Qinxue pointed to the empty table.

The little maids put down their things and still didn't leave, Baili Qinxue frowned, and suddenly realized, "You guys, do you want to help me dress up?"

"Girl, please let the maidservants dress you up." The maidservants said in unison, and immediately picked up a jade hairpin from the tray and gesticulated on Baili Qinxue's bun.

The jade hairpin was very delicate and beautiful, but Baili Qinxue didn't like it very much.

"Leave things alone. I'll do it myself. I'm not used to being served by so many people." Baili Qinxue frowned. There are five or six maids in the hall, and they are dressed and combed by so many people. Think about it They all feel a little unnatural.

The maids looked at each other, and suddenly...

Kneeling on the ground with a "plop". "Miss, the slaves are ordered by the king to serve you. If the girl drives all the slaves out, the king will probably punish them."

"Your majesty will not punish people at will." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, showing no sign of letting go, "You can stay outside the door, so it won't count as being kicked out, right?"

Baili Qinxue was so imposing, the maids didn't dare to deviate, so they had to retreat cautiously.

"Girl, if you need anything, remember to call the servants, the servants will be guarding outside." After finishing speaking, he gently closed the door.

Seeing that everyone had gone out, Baili Qinxue sat in front of the dressing table, combed her long hair carelessly, and casually tied a simple bun for herself.

She turned her head, and saw all kinds of hairpins on the table, and the earrings were more delicate and gorgeous...


(End of this chapter)

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