Chapter 1083 This baby is dumbfounded...

She took a few glances and couldn't help but feel happy. No matter what, the girl's family still loves beauty very much.

She got up, fiddled with the table case, and quickly picked out a relatively simple but generous hairpin, and chose a pair of agate earrings to wear.

There are also quite a few dresses on the table, most of which are from the Weinan Kingdom, a little exposed.

"Why don't women from good families order..."

After searching repeatedly, she found a few dresses belonging to their Western Continent among the many clothes. Most of the dresses were brightly colored, and she finally found a light blue dress to wear on her body.

The clothes were good and fit them well, Baili Qinxue pushed open the door with satisfaction.

The maid outside couldn't help being stunned, as if seeing a fairy...

"Wow, girl, you look so pretty."

"The slave girl thought she saw a fairy."

"This light blue dress is the simplest one in it. I didn't expect it to become a fairy robe when worn on a girl."

Sure enough, Renmei looks good in anything she wears, and the maids are envious and jealous. They really want to be more beautiful.

The corner of Baili Qinxue's eyes twitched, is it that exaggerated?

"Girl, let the maidservants take you to the palace where the banquet is held." It took a long time for the maidservants to recover, and they all lowered their heads respectfully.

"Where are my friends?" Baili Qinxue looked around.

The maids said: "I was also led by the maids. At this moment, I should have arrived in the palace."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips. She wanted to go with them, but she didn't expect their speed to be so fast. She just nodded and said, "Then I will trouble you to lead the way."

"Girl, please come with the maidservants." The maidservants led the way, and Baili Qinxue followed slowly.

The flowers in the royal garden were in full bloom, and when a gust of wind blew the flowers trembled in the wind, wisps of delicate fragrance rushed to the face, Baili Qinxue watched quietly, after all, it was the royal palace, even the flowers inside were like this So beautiful and expensive.

Passing through the corridor, a majestic and gorgeous palace looms.

The sound of silk and bamboo came from the palace. Presumably, it was the place where the banquet was held. Even Baili Qinxue could feel the lively atmosphere inside even if he was far away.

"Girl, the palace in front is the destination." The maids said.

Baili Qinxue nodded slowly, she guessed right.

The servant girls brought her into the palace.

In the palace, King Weinan hadn't appeared yet, but Weinan Zi and the others had already taken their seats. The four thieves and Little Pink were having a good meal, and Dugu Sheng was shaking his wine glass boredly, looking absent-minded.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he looked outside the palace.

In an instant, the four eyes met.

His eyes were bright and full of a smile; she was calm and still hadn't recovered.

"Axue, come and sit down." Dugu Sheng beckoned to her, and saw that she was dressed differently from usual, she wore a hairpin, a pair of earrings, and a light blue dress. She felt like a fairy .

Dugu Sheng suffocated for breath, and immediately froze.

His family, Axue, is beautiful and beautiful...

Baili Qinxue was seated, only to realize that he was wearing a gorgeous fox fur coat from Wei Nanguo. The dark purple fox fur coat looked extremely noble, and compared with the bright red, it seemed to have a little more mystery.

Really handsome.

"What are you looking at, why are you stuck?" Baili Qinxue asked with a smile, a bright color slowly flowed in her clear eyes, and then melted away like ripples, which was unbearably itchy.

Dugu Sheng came back to his senses, touched his nose in embarrassment, "It's nothing, but I just think Axue is too beautiful."


(End of this chapter)

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