Chapter 1084 Someone Falls Into Big Buns?
It's a good thing she didn't wear Wei Nanguo's revealing dress, otherwise, he would have poached the eyes of these stinky men.

Dugu Sheng let out a long sigh of relief, clinging to the wine glass and pretending to drink, but secretly watching her.

In the palace, the sound of silk and bamboo sounded again.

Baili Qinxue didn't seem to notice Dugu Sheng's gaze, drinking and eating food at will.

After a while, the king of Weinan Kingdom came slowly with the support of the eunuch, and all the ministers knelt down to worship, and the atmosphere was suddenly high.

"Loves, please be flat." King Weinan stood on a high place, revealing the majesty of an emperor without a doubt.

All the ministers got up and sat down.

It was only then that Baili Qinxue discovered that every minister brought his family members, and it seemed that they brought some pretty young ladies, each of whom was well-dressed, just like the flowers in the imperial garden just now, which made people Dazzling.

Isn't this a banquet? How can it be like a blind date?
Baili Qinxue frowned, slightly puzzled.

"It's all thanks to everyone here that I was able to regain this country. Today is a celebration banquet. Please invite all the ministers and friends of Ah Zi to eat and drink well." King Weinan smiled and looked away from the ministers. When he came back, he threw it on Baili Qinxue's table again.

Catching his gaze, Baili Qinxue smiled to show her friendliness.

King Weinan looked away, and hurriedly served the servant girls dishes and poured wine.

After all, it is a royal palace, the food and drinks are all first-class, everything is extremely delicious and luxurious, Baili Qinxue is really hungry, and the taste is absolutely unambiguous.

Dugu Sheng propped his head up, happily watching her eating.

"..." Baili Qinxue rolled her eyes, "Don't just look at me, you eat too."

Dugu Sheng nodded in a daze, still maintaining that movement.

"..." Baili Qinxue lowered her head, ignoring him.

At this moment……

Baili Qinxue felt a burning gaze coming from somewhere.

Her fingertips trembled, and she looked up subconsciously, and saw a charming young lady next to a certain civil servant, looking at Dugu Sheng with burning eyes, there was love in her eyes, even an idiot would know What does this look represent.

This girl is interested in Big Baozi?
Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes and subconsciously looked at Dugu Sheng.

An excellent skin, extremely handsome, with extremely sparkling black eyes, as if it contains all the prosperity in the world, it is extremely seductive, and makes people feel flustered.

And he was full of extravagance in every move, and it was reasonable to be able to fascinate this young lady Jiao, but a certain person didn't know it, and kept laughing, and then completely fascinated this young lady Jiao.

Baili Qinxue frowned, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with Axue?" Seeing that she no longer ate, Dugu Sheng quickly asked, "Are you full, or is the food not to your liking?"

Baili Qinxue was depressed, but she didn't vent her anger on Dugu Sheng. She smiled and shook her head, "I'm not full, and the food and drink are good, but didn't you notice a burning gaze?"

Burning eyes?
Dugu Sheng's eyes darkened and became sharp in an instant.

Who dares to covet his family, Axue?

With a cold face, he scanned back and forth like a machine gun, but he didn't find the wild man who coveted his family's Axue.

"..." Baili Qinxue didn't know what to say anymore, it was a girl who looked at him, why did he keep looking at the man, sure enough, she didn't understand the inner world of the stupid bun.

"Axue, maybe you feel wrong." Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, "I didn't find the man who coveted you..."



(End of this chapter)

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