Chapter 1104 Surprisingly So Powerful...

Lin Ying smiled, with greed in his eyes.

Seeing this, the second uncle of the Lin family inevitably looked a little ugly.

They put the weapons in front of several elders, and the third uncle of the Lin family raised his head high, with an expression of victory.

Several elders picked up their weapons, and after a few glances, they all showed disappointment. Their weapons are ordinary, neither bright nor too bad, and they can be used for people to practice.

"Several elders, how about the weapons I refined?" The third uncle of the Lin family asked eagerly with a smile in his eyes.

The elders sighed, but didn't say it outright, "When you see the weapons made by Wan Wan, you will know that something is wrong with you..."

The third uncle of the Lin family trembled all over. What does this mean?
Just as she was thinking, Lin Wanwan had already refined the weapon, and she came slowly with the weapon in hand.

The weapon she is forging at the moment is a big knife. The big knife is as powerful as a rainbow. The blade seems to be surrounded by endless circles of light. It is extremely magnificent and dazzling. The people of the Lin family gasped for breath, and they could tell the difference of the knife at a glance. unusual.

Lin Ying didn't want to admit it, and said in a strange way: "It's just that the surface of the blade is made to look better, and I don't know what the attributes are..."

Several elders glanced at him, "Ignorant."

Lin Ying's cheeks were flushed, the elders had been bewitched by Lin Wanwan, a bitch, it's abominable.

Lin Wanwan put the big knife on the table, and several elders kept turning it over, watching carefully, their eyes could not help showing surprise and shock.This broadsword is still a good weapon, just like the sword just now, it has a middle-grade quality, so there is nothing to say about its good attributes.

If the first time was a fluke, then the second time is not as simple as a fluke.

"You guys have a look at this weapon." Several elders threw the big knife in front of them, "Just take a closer look, what can be made from the same material, and what can you make."

The members of the Lin family couldn't help but sigh, the expressions of the elders just now clearly showed their appreciation for Lin Wanwan.

How could the attribute of this big knife be so good?
The members of the Lin family didn't believe it, so they quickly took the big knife and looked at it carefully, and saw...

They froze in place like sculptures. The attributes of this weapon... were so top-grade, and the materials given by the elders were all low-grade, while the weapon she refined was actually mid-grade.

Unless the refining technology is super good, it is impossible to turn low-grade into middle-grade.

This concubine has become so powerful without knowing it?
Seeing their blank eyes, several elders guessed what they were thinking, smiled and said: "After you saw the weapons made by Wan Wan, do you have any thoughts?"

How else can I feel, I was completely killed in seconds, okay?
The third uncle of the Lin family was still very confident at first, but now seeing his own and Lin Wanwan's next to each other, his weapon was already dim, and it was like being thrown into the gutter at this moment, completely thrown out of the way for several blocks.

"The weapons that Lin Wanwan forges are very powerful..." The third uncle of the Lin family pursed his lips, "The position of Patriarch is for those who are capable, I have no objection..."

After all, he shook his sleeves and left.

"Hey, daddy, why did you leave?" Lin Yan didn't expect him to say that at all, and after a moment of stupefaction, he said, "Elders, since my daddy has no objection, I also have no objection."

Seeing that the Patriarch in his hand flew away, Lin Ying felt very uncomfortable, and before leaving, he did not forget to give Lin Wanwan a few glances.

Lin Wanwan didn't care.

"Do you have any questions?" The elders looked at the second uncle of the Lin family.


(End of this chapter)

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