Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1105 You can see all your little thoughts!

Chapter 1105 See all your little thoughts at a glance!
The second uncle of the Lin family was startled. It is undeniable that the weapons Lin Wanwan forges are really good, but she is a lowly concubine...

"Wendy's refining skills are indeed very good, but she is too young and a woman, so will it be difficult for her to take on the big job?" He pursed his lips and casually mentioned Lin Wanwan's shortcomings.

"That's right, she's been left in a side courtyard since she was a child, and she hasn't seen any big things in the world. What big things can she accomplish?" Lin Shu agreed, her pretty face full of distorted colors.

"Then what do you think?" The elders had half-smiles.

"This..." The second uncle of the Lin family paused, but rolled his eyes, "Since I am the second uncle of the Lin family, I naturally have to share the worries of the Lin family. You might as well let me assist Wan Wan, so that nothing will go wrong."

Lin Quan also said: "Yes, elders, my father has experienced ups and downs, just leave it to him and you can rest assured."

The elders didn't speak, Zhao Yu bent his lips and sneered, "Stupid girl has been studying with us since she was a child, if she becomes the head of the family, we will naturally help her, you can just go to the crafting with peace of mind, don't get distracted."

"Indeed, if you don't worry about it, who knows what's going on in your mind." Wei Nanzi raised his eyebrows, speaking without showing any affection.

The second uncle of the Lin family found out that the crown prince and General Zhao Xiao were there, and was immediately frightened.

"Prince, General Zhao, we are not making any plans, and this is also our Lin family's business..." The second uncle of the Lin family spoke, with obvious meaning behind his words.

"The stupid girl's business is our business." Zhao Yu didn't care.

The cheeks of the second uncle of the Lin family were flushed, and the faces of the two little ones were also a little ugly.

Lin Wanwan, that bitch, has been climbing these two high branches since he was very young. He never thought that after so many years, these two high branches will remain the same. Damn it.

"Elders, the crown prince and the others are outsiders after all, this..." The second uncle of the Lin family looked at the elders, trying to persuade them.

"Lin Fenglie is not very old, but he can also make our Lin family flourish, and..." The elders changed the subject and said again: "The prince is a friend of Wanwan. Right now, the Lin family is facing depression. If there is a prince and them Your help is naturally the best, if you want to help, don't think that we don't know your little thoughts..."

"I..." The second uncle of the Lin family blushed.

The two little ones were too ashamed and angry to lift their heads.

They really have a small mind to assist, and they want to control Lin Wanwan. When the time comes, Lin Wanwan will be a puppet, and the Lin family will be in their hands.

"How dare we have any small thoughts." The second uncle of the Lin family laughed, "Since Lin Wanwan is so outstanding, she deserves the position of head of the family, and the crown prince and the others want to help, and I don't have any objections .”

After finishing speaking, he took the two younger ones and left as if fleeing.

Lin Wanwan was playing with Smelly Gouxiong, completely unaware that after the two competitions, she became the head of the Lin family, although the process was bumpy.

"Wanwan, you are now the next Patriarch of our Lin family." Several elders approached slowly, looking at her more respectfully.

Lin Wanwan looked dazed, "Well, Patriarch..."

Several elders nodded, "You are the head of our Lin family."

Lin Wanwan frowned, and cast his eyes directly on Zhao Yu and the others, "Well, Azi and Ayu, what is a patriarch? After becoming a patriarch, can I have a lot of food?"


(End of this chapter)

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