Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1114 What happened to you and Liu Cheng?

Chapter 1114 What happened to you and Liu Cheng?
PS: Posted in the wrong order, I copied and pasted again, sorry.Don't worry about chapter names.

A servant girl's voice came. Judging by her clothes, she should be a high-ranking servant girl of the Lin family, and the ordinary little servant girls behind her are under her control.

Immediately after...

With a "bang", the sound of the plate falling to the ground rang in my ears.

"Ah, Miss Lin Shu overturned that plate of Songjiang mandarin fish..." several ordinary little maids exclaimed.

"What?" The senior servant girl turned her head, and saw fragments of the dinner plate falling on the floor, and the Songjiang mandarin fish was also blackened by the dust, "Miss, she is just a servant girl now, an ordinary servant girl like you."

"Yes." Several little maidservants lowered their heads and replied, "What should I do if Lin Shu overturns the mandarin fish?"

"Lin Shu, come here." The senior maid waved to Lin Shu.

Lin Shu swallowed, and approached slowly, "Why did you call me, I didn't knock it over on purpose..."


Before she finished speaking, the senior servant girl came over with two slaps. Lin Shu was slapped and took two steps back. She covered her cheeks with hatred in her eyes, "You bitch, how dare you hit Miss Ben? I want you to look good."

Just as Lin Shu was about to move, she felt a pain somewhere in her body.

Seeing this, the senior servant girl felt even more reassured, "I have heard that you have been cursed, but I didn't expect it to be true. You'd better not give me any malicious thoughts. When the time comes to die, it will be your own fault."

Lin Shu gritted her teeth and swallowed all her anger, only then did she feel that the pain had eased a lot.

"Look at you, Lin Shu, you have knocked over the mandarin fish. It seems that you are not suitable for serving dishes. There are many distinguished guests today. Hurry up and clean the hut. You must clean the hut clean. Let the distinguished guests feel at ease, understand?" The senior maid rolled her eyes, and a gleam of crystal light appeared in her eyes.

This Lin Shu had bullied these maids a lot before, and now she can finally take revenge.

Clean the hut?

Really afraid of something, Lin Shu suddenly widened her eyes, "You want Miss Ben to clean the latrine?"

The senior servant girl laughed teasingly, "You poisoned the head of the family, you are no longer a young lady, the elders kept you in the Lin's house to make room for you, and asked you to clean a hut, so that you can redeem your sins, sisters, do you think so? ah?"

Ordinary little maids said in unison, "Yes, Lin Shu, don't struggle, it won't be good for your future life if you fall out."

Gritting her teeth, Lin Shu was forced to walk slowly towards the hut.

"Sisters, let's go to the front yard quickly and bring up all the food." The senior maid turned around, feeling very happy.

The little maids walked briskly, and the bad breath of the past few days was swept away.

As soon as the maids left, Dugu Sheng covered her belly and laughed, "It seems that Lin Shu has bullied these maids a lot in the past, and now that she is suppressed by these maids, she will feel very sad in the future."

"If you don't die, you won't die." Baili Qinxue smiled, grabbed a bun and took a few bites.

"It looks like the ceremony is about to start, Axue, shall we join in the fun?" Dugu Sheng raised his legs and heard the noise coming from the front yard.

"It's full of famous people who come here." Baili Qinxue propped her head on her hands, "Maybe she will drag her family, and another bold woman like Liu Qingqing will be troublesome, it's better to stay here and eat , enjoy this unique quietness."

This is, jealous...

Sunlight dyed Dugu Sheng's eyes through the slits of the leaves, and in an instant, the water rippled away, sparkling extremely round and round.


(End of this chapter)

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