Chapter 1115 Stealing Kiss...

"Axue, you still said you're not jealous." He was overjoyed and felt so happy, "Look, you're thinking about me in your words."

Baili Qinxue turned her head and cast her eyes elsewhere, "You have such a beautiful face, so naturally I have to think about you, otherwise, it will take a lot of trouble to cause a lot of trouble."

Dugu Sheng smiled brightly, "Anyway, you just care about me."

The front yard is getting more and more lively, and the sound of gongs and drums can still be faintly heard.

Baili Qinxue leaned on the pillar beside her with her hands on the pillow, "The ceremony has already begun, Lin Wanwan has become the head of the family by virtue of his own ability, and those people who dare to call them concubines in the future should also weigh it own identity."

Most of the things on the steps had been eaten, Dugu Sheng smiled and leaned on the pillar, "Guess, are they looking for us now?"

"It should be here." Baili Qinxue chuckled.

Today, the warm wind was warm and felt very comfortable on her body. Baili Qinxue closed her eyes and fell asleep not long after.

The warm sun shone on her face, and a pretty blush appeared on her fair face. Dugu Sheng's heart was surging, he swallowed and couldn't help but move closer to her.

It's so beautiful, Axue who is sleeping is like a fairy.

Carefully, he approached slowly like a thief, and then, his lips fell...

It landed on her forehead, then on her cheeks, and finally, those incomparably beautiful lips. He rubbed them back and forth as if possessed by a demon, and he was afraid of disturbing her, so his movements were very gentle, and he didn't dare to rush into them. .

The sun shone down and fell on them, as if forming an incomparably exquisite picture scroll.

"Hmm..." Baili Qinxue's eyelids trembled slightly, probably because she felt uncomfortable and wanted to turn over.

Dugu Sheng was guilty of being a thief, so he hurriedly stood up, and saw that Baili Qinxue hadn't woken up, so he relaxed.

He scratched his hair in boredom, thinking that when he was on the island, he could do whatever he wanted, he was a perfect little devil, but when he came to Baili Qinxue, he would even steal a kiss.

"So you are here, so we can find it easily." Zhao Yu's voice came.

Dugu Sheng's face darkened, why did they come here?
"Isn't the Patriarch Ceremony being held in the front yard, why are you here free?" He leaned against the pillar, his crimson robe swaying in the wind, and the hair on his shoulders fluttered.

"I came to you when I felt bored." Zhao Yu sat on the other side of the steps, and suddenly touched all kinds of food on the ground, "Okay, you guys, it's really enjoyable to eat here."

Wei Nanzi lifted her robe and sat down.

The four thieves and Little Pink also exclaimed, "Okay, you guys, it's so embarrassing."

Dugu Sheng shrugged indifferently, "Don't you also eat and drink well in the front yard, we just eat in this small place, I feel a little pitiful when I think about it."

"You still have reason." Zhao Yu rolled his eyes at him, "What's wrong with my little sister, why doesn't she speak?"

"She fell asleep." Dugu Sheng covered his face and coughed lightly, and only when he fell asleep did he succeed in another sneak attack, thinking about it felt wonderful.

"Asleep?" Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes with an ambiguous expression, "You kid, didn't you do anything bad?"

Dugu Sheng coughed a few more times before saying: "Don't talk nonsense, what can I do?"

"Oh?" Zhao Yu paused, and his expression became more ambiguous.


(End of this chapter)

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