Chapter 1119 Actually using bitter tricks...

Dugu Sheng's fingertips trembled, and he subconsciously hid his hands behind his back, "Axue, why are your eyes so sharp, cooking chicken and chicken soup is something you have to do by yourself, and then your hands are scalded by the splashed oil, After scalding it a few times, it will look like this, but finally, Emperor Heaven has paid off.”

Dugu Sheng stroked his fingertips and the back of his hand, a gleam of crystal light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Baili Qinxue's attention was all on what he just said.

It is undeniable that what he just said was very touching. He has never been injured, and the only time he was injured was to make food for her.

Moreover, men in ancient times had many wives and concubines, and the machismo was extremely machismo, and they would personally cook for women?
Baili Qinxue's heart twitched, and her heart warmed up again.

"Thank you for making me the chicken soup..." Baili Qinxue picked up the porcelain bowl, looking at the black soup inside, she was a bit hesitant.

She took a deep breath, and thought of Dugu Sheng's bandage-wrapped fingers, she tightened the porcelain bowl in her hand, and her eyes showed some firmness.

Absolutely, you can't live up to his heart.

He raised his head and drank the small chicken soup in the porcelain bowl in one gulp.

Dugu Sheng's eyes lit up, staring at Baili Qinxue for a moment, "How is Axue, does it taste delicious?"

great?go to hell……

Baili Qinxue endured the tremendous torment. She only felt that her internal organs were attacked by something disgusting, which made her weak and felt like she was about to die.

I really didn't realize that a man as good-looking as Dugu Sheng would cook such inhuman dishes...

Baili Qinxue clenched her fingertips tightly, her face turned blue and white, this ghost thing was more terrifying than an ogre... After a long while, her throat moved, and she finally swallowed this inhuman food.

Help, she swore she would never eat such a horrible thing again.

"Axue, how is it?" Dugu Sheng twisted his fingers, feeling like a little daughter-in-law.

Baili Qinxue glanced at the bandage on his hand, her expression softened slightly, and she said with difficulty: "Very, good, eat..."

Dugu Sheng cheered and took out the porcelain bowl to wash it.

The first move in chasing a daughter-in-law is to grab her stomach first, and if necessary, to use some special means to make the daughter-in-law feel warm in her heart.

"Hey, hey, hey." He looked at his fingertips and let out a series of sinister laughter.

As soon as Dugu Sheng left, Baili Qinxue slumped on the table, "It's a terrible meal. I didn't expect that kid to be strong and good-looking, but this skill is really not flattering. I'll refine a few furnaces later Take medicine to suppress shock..."

Wait, elixir?
Baili Qinxue stood up suddenly, her eyes widened slightly.

She also gave the boy a lot of pills, there are all kinds of medicines to heal injuries and replenish physical strength. He only needs to swallow one and those small wounds will disappear naturally. Is it necessary to wear a bandage and endure that kind of pain?
Baili Qinxue jumped up against the table, and the cold and stern aura burst out from her body. That kid turned out to be using bitter tricks...

She drank it just because she was so moved, damn it.

However, in the final analysis, it was Dugu Sheng's wish, it was just a bit unpleasant...

Baili Qinxue took a deep breath and quickly restrained her aura, but her eyes were cold and frightening.

Dugu Sheng didn't expect that she had already guessed everything, and she still had a perfect smile on her face.


(End of this chapter)

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