Chapter 1120
When he came in with a flick of his sleeves, he saw Baili Qinxue concocting medicine, and his serious expression while concocting medicine made people feel ecstatic.

A few hours later, Baili Qinxue refined several batches of pills, and after tidying up the table, she saw Dugu Sheng was still watching, her bright eyes were brighter than the lights in the room.

"Axue, are you ready?"

Baili Qinxue's heart trembled, but the next second...

"Hmph..." She snorted, rolled her eyes at him directly, then turned her head back to lie down on the bed, Dugu Sheng was stunned for a while by that arrogant little look.

This style of painting is wrong, how could his family's Axue show such an angry little daughter-in-law expression...

How about cool and cold?

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, and silently pulled the quilt and lay down on the ground. After thinking about it, he didn't realize what went wrong. He was so sensible and well-behaved, so how could Ashe be angry?

He scratched and pulled the quilt, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, making quite a commotion.

"Don't quarrel, I don't mind throwing you out if you quarrel again..."

Baili Qinxue frowned, her clear voice seemed to be a good reassurance, upon hearing this, Dugu Sheng immediately fell silent.

Satisfied, she lay down in peace.

The next day, at dawn, Baili Qinxue got up to practice in the courtyard.

Dugu Sheng sat down with his head propped up, watching her training as if she was dying, and instantly felt distressed.

"Axue, don't be in a hurry for things like advancing, and make sure you have a proper rest, so don't tire yourself out." After finishing speaking, he stepped away and put his hand gently on her waist. All the while, he took her into his arms.

Baili Qinxue's heart shuddered, "I know, but don't act suddenly..."

This stinky boy started to move his hands and feet again, and he became more and more courageous.

"It's not sudden, I just reminded you." Dugu Sheng curled his lips, smiling so that his eyes narrowed.

Brat, it makes sense...

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, the sullenness from yesterday came and went quickly, and now she can treat this bastard with bitter tricks with a normal heart.

"By the way, pack up your things. Let's go to Ding Jingtai's residence today and bring Ding Chongyang back." After finishing speaking, she pushed his arm with her hand.

His thick arm, like a piece of iron, almost burned her skin, she trembled and quickly withdrew her hand.

"The college battle is imminent, and Axue won't let go of the opportunity to make money?" Dugu Sheng chuckled, guessing what she was thinking.

"The medicinal herb shop in Xuanwu City has been remodeled. I heard that this college battle will be held at Dongjun College. Dongjun College is at the junction of the North Continent and the East Continent. It's quite far from here. I don't want to What kind of opportunity to make money is lost." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and a little smile slowly faded from the bottom of her eyes.

"Axue is really, never forgets to make money." Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, the pampering in his eyes was almost overflowing.

Little Pink poked her head out of hiding in the kitchen.

Showing affection early in the morning, completely ignoring the feelings of a single beast.

It bit the sleeve of its clothes with a sad look on its face.

"Life is alive, so naturally you have to make a lot of money." Baili Qinxue completely forgot that she was still in Dugu Sheng's arms, and when she talked about money, her eyes lit up, "Use these days to cultivate and make Xuanwu City The matter is resolved until the college battle begins."

"Don't be tired, you still have me..." Dugu Sheng brushed her cheeks, the delicate touch made him unable to put it down.

Baili Qinxue's heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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