Chapter 1121 Why Push You Down?
"..." Little Pink continued to bite her sleeve.

"Still peeking?" Dugu Sheng turned his head sideways, his gaze fell on Little Pink, "Hurry up and get ready, go to Ding Jingtai's residence later, and find that kid Ding Chongyang."

When Little Pink heard it, she immediately burst into joy as if beating chicken blood.

After eating some breakfast, the three of them got up and set out on the road.

The four thieves and Zhao Yu must have been practicing somewhere, and they didn't even see a ghost. Thinking about it, they were looking forward to the college battle. Look, that kind of seriousness.

"They are all serious, and our momentum cannot be weakened." Baili Qinxue clenched her fists, and what caught her eyes was the extremely noisy long street.

Dugu Sheng turned his head, seeing the brilliance and earnestness in her eyes, he twitched the corner of his mouth, and said: "Of course the momentum will not weaken, Axue and I still have to win the reward of the competition."

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of movement ahead.

Baili Qinxue looked up subconsciously, and saw...

Liu Cheng and Ding Jingtai were walking on the street, for some reason, Liu Cheng lost his temper with Ding Jingtai and kicked him to the ground.

"You are just a servant of my family, and you are not worthy of walking with this lady at all." Liu Cheng frowned and looked at Ding Jingtai condescendingly, "Even if Dad asked you to come out with me, I don't need you to accompany me. If you want to go shopping alone, you should stay on this long street."

After finishing speaking, she threw up her sleeves and walked away, with deep disgust for Ding Jingtai in her eyes.

In the past few days, Erye Liu has never given up, and has been matching her and Ding Jingtai. This time, he wants to go out with her and Ding Jingtai for a stroll, which is a good name for cultivating feelings.

Cultivate a fart, they don't have any feelings to cultivate in the first place.

Ding Jingtai sat on the ground blankly, frowning more and more tightly.

If it wasn't for Liu Erye's orders, how could he hang around with such a barbaric young lady?
"Still sitting on the spot, aren't you going to get up?"

A gust of wind blew, and the girl's clear voice reached my ears instantly, followed by the man's chuckle, which was extremely low, but extremely provocative.

Ding Jingtai raised his eyes subconsciously, and saw Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng standing in front of him at some point, he was startled, and blurted out: "Patriarch Baili, Mr. Dugu, when did you come back?"

Ding Chongyang told him that they went to a far away place for business.

I really didn't expect to come back, Ding Chongyang must be very happy if he found out.

Baili Qinxue raised her red lips and said, "I came back yesterday afternoon. It was already late when I came back, so I didn't have time to tell you. By the way, how long are you going to sit on the ground?"

Ding Jingtai shuddered, seeing that he was still sitting on the ground, his expression froze, and he stood up from the ground instantly.

"Sorry, I made you laugh."

"It's okay." Baili Qinxue looked at Liu Cheng's gone figure, and couldn't help asking: "What happened to Liu Cheng, why did you push you to the ground?"

"It's hard to say." Ding Jingtai's expression darkened, and he sighed: "You two must know about me and Miss Liu. These days, Erye Liu has tried his best to let me and Miss Liu cultivate a relationship. Today The same is true for this one, but Ms. Liu hated this matter, so she pushed me to the ground and walked away."

It turned out that she was playing the young lady's temper, Baili Qinxue sneered and said: "So that's the case, but if you don't like this matter, you should bring it up with Liu Erye."


(End of this chapter)

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