Chapter 115
He lowered his eyelids, and the thin bangs were covered with a hazy shadow. The emotions in his eyes were hard to see. After a while, he raised his eyes, still smiling brightly, "Little sister is so hardworking, I admire you."

"Anyone can work hard, the only thing is to persevere." Baili Qinxue glanced at him lightly, and said again: "Now that everything is ready, we have to lie in ambush around, so that no fish will be caught. If any fish is caught, We also have to let them go back to where they belong, and they had no defense at that time, so they had to be slaughtered by us."

She tightened the magic wand in her hand, her eyes were cold.

Dugu Sheng fixed her eyes on the opposite side, as if she knew where her coldness came from.

Zhao Yu told them to find a place with a good view to hide and hide them all. He said, "The people on the other side are all fast asleep. Should we make a big noise to wake them up?"

Baili Qinxue turned her head to look at him, this Zhao Yu's mind is really good, he is easy to turn corners, and seems to be quite good at using tricks, this kind of tricks is also called the art of war...

She squinted her eyes, becoming more and more curious about his magical power.

"By the way, let Azi throw a fireball over there, the noise is so loud that even a dead pig will wake up." Zhao Yu looked at Wei Nanzi with a smile, and told him to throw a fireball over quickly.

"It's a good idea." Baili Qinxue also nodded, but she couldn't help but said: "Just don't go too far, just take it easy and wake them up."

"It's so troublesome, why don't you do it yourself..." Wei Nanzi said it was troublesome, but he would do things well every time. He threw a fireball at it, and suddenly, a fireball was blown out in the open space opposite. pit to.

The pit was not big, but it was so powerful that it almost didn't scare people to death.

Shangguan Yun was timid, and when he heard the sound, he stood up scrambling, and kept yelling, "Who... what is the sound, is the miscellaneous fish team attacking?"

He looked towards the opposite side, but only saw that the night was very quiet and peaceful, and there was no sign of any attack.

At this time, the other four people also woke up.

"Brother, I heard a big commotion just now, what's going on?" Dongfang Duo'er shrank behind Dongfang Xi in fear. After all, she was a woman, and she had never seen anything in the world, so her face turned pale with fright.

Baili Liuxu didn't feel any better, she grabbed Murong Qing's sleeve and leaned against him with all her might.

Murong Qing was not frightened, he pushed the catkins in his arms away, stood up and looked around carefully, when he saw the hole, his expression couldn't help but change, "There is a big hole here, It didn't exist before..."

Shangguan Yun also saw the pit, and suddenly howled in fright: "Could it be that the miscellaneous fish team really attacked?"

Dongfang Xi patted the back of Dongfang Duo'er's hand, signaling her not to be too panicked, then turned to look at Shangguan Yun's eyes full of contempt, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, there's nothing offensive about the other side being quiet Signs, don’t get confused, besides, a bunch of miscellaneous fish dare to provoke you, so use your brain.”

Shangguan Yun's face turned blue, and he said angrily: "I have endured you for a long time, believe it or not, I beat you so hard that you have teeth all over the floor?"

Shangguan Yun put on a posture of fighting, and Dongfang Xi was not to be outdone.

Murong Qing stepped forward to pull them away, with a faint look of anger in his eyes, "I haven't figured out what's going on now, and we're just fighting among ourselves. Wouldn't it be a joke to be seen by someone who is doing bad things in the dark? I'll reflect on it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Baili Liuxu pointed to a branch not far away and exclaimed, "Brother, look quickly, is there something twinkling on the branch?"


(End of this chapter)

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