Chapter 116
Murong Qing looked sideways subconsciously, and saw the twinkling lights on the intertwined branches. The light was dazzling and eye-catching, as if there was a rare treasure hidden in it. What exactly is it.

The other three also looked sideways, and couldn't help but pause when they saw it.

The light is scorching, making people daydream.

Although Shangguan Yun is timid, he has good eyesight. After getting used to the light, he immediately saw what was on the branch. He pointed to the branch and said with a cheerful smile, "Look, there are six flowers hanging on the branch. Seven good things, five weapons, two defensive clothing, and each of them is a small best..."

He licked his dry lips, his eyes were full of greed, and he really wanted to take them all for himself.

Baili Liuxu tugged on Murong Qing's sleeve affectionately, and said pleasantly: "Look, brother, they are really weapons and clothes, and they are all treasures."

Dongfang Xi and Dongfang Duo'er were also overwhelmed by the surprise, but Murong Qing lowered his eyelids thoughtfully, frowned slightly, and said suspiciously: "I didn't have a baby just now, why did it come here now, you are not afraid of this The enemy's conspiracy?"

Shangguan Yun waved his hand and said fearlessly: "There is no one around, so where is the conspiracy coming from? I'm afraid this is a good treasure bestowed by some expert, and who can take out so many such good treasures? Who would hang them on a branch?"

The other three felt relieved when they heard Shangguan Yun say this, but Murong Qing was still hesitating.

He ordered: "You still have to be careful..."

"I don't care, I just want my good baby, and you can't stop me."

Shangguan Yun didn't listen to his dissuasion, he had been thinking about the good baby for a long time, even if there was any danger, it couldn't stop his determination, he flew to get it first, thinking about how much he could get, he couldn't just take advantage of others .

Seeing that he had already flown away, Dongfang Xi and Dongfang Duo'er didn't care so much, so they both flew to get it.

"Brother, look at them... let's go too, or the treasures will be taken away." Baili Liuxu looked at Murong Qing tenderly, but she was more anxious than anyone else, and she almost stomped her feet.

Murong Qing thought for a moment and finally flew away, Baili Liuxu heaved a sigh of relief and followed behind him.

Shangguan Yun took a fancy to two of the small top-quality weapons, and was about to reach out to take them, but Dongfang Xi blocked them back.

Shangguan Yun is a fifth-level intermediate water-type magician, while Dongfang Xi is a fifth-level high-level warrior. Melee combat is difficult for magicians, and it is water-type, so there is no attack power at all. downwind.

"Sister, go and get me all the good things." Seeing that victory was in sight, Dongfang Xi had time to say something to Dongfang Duo'er.

Dongfang Duo'er immediately understood, just stepped on the trunk to take down the good things, all the intertwined branches were broken, and she fell quickly like a bird with broken wings.

Seeing that she was about to fall into the swamp, Dongfang Duo'er kept flapping her hands, grabbing whatever she could.

"Dongfang Duo'er, let me go, let go..." She was holding Shangguan Yun's arm, and he couldn't exert any strength in the air.

Dongfang Duo'er shook her head desperately, and didn't care about the ladies' manners anymore, she gritted her teeth and said, "Don't let it go, I don't want to fall into the swamp, I don't want to."


(End of this chapter)

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