Chapter 1156 Would you like some gift in return?
The black-clothed killer nodded abruptly, the desire to survive in his eyes growing stronger.

"Then I'll give you this chance." Baili Qinxue leaned over, took out the rag from his mouth, and threw it on the ground, "Let me ask you, who is the employer who hired you?"

The black-clothed killer was silent for a moment, then hesitated and said: "Girl, the rule of our way is not to betray your employer, you should ask me some other questions."

Dugu Sheng stepped forward and said with a sneer: "Besides this question, we don't want to ask you anything. If you don't even have this little value, I don't mind torturing you. It just so happens that I'm so bored these days , but I hope that someone will let me play with it at will."

The black-clothed killer was frightened directly, and his legs kept trembling.

"I said, I said, the person who hired us is a lady with a deep family background..."

"Oh, Miss..." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her voice suddenly cooled down, "Is that lady surnamed Liu?"

The black-clothed killer suddenly widened his eyes, "How do you know?"

"It's easy to guess." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and there was a layer of frost in her eyes, "Then let me ask you another question, did the girl surnamed Liu hire you before, then you kill a man ?”

"I used to come to our organization to hire an assassin. It's been a long time. That Miss Liu asked us to kill a man..." The black-clothed killer told the truth, and took another deep look at Baili Qinxue. "How do you know this, these are absolutely confidential..."

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue's guess was confirmed, and she couldn't help but curl her lips.

"I guessed it." Baili Qinxue stood up, her clear voice whispered like a devil, "Last time, the killer hired by Miss Liu seemed to be killed by us too, big bun, don't you think so? "

"That's right, one knife at a time, it will be killed soon." Dugu Sheng twisted his hair and played with it, his lazy voice was filled with coldness.

Hearing this, the black-clothed killer only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and his heart seemed to be held tight, "The last mission failed, it turned out to be you, it was you..."

"That's right, it's us." Baili Qinxue chuckled, the coldness in her eyes growing stronger.

The black-clothed killer didn't dare to look at her, so he gave up directly, "Please let me go, I've told you everything you want to know, I'm just hired, and I can't help myself, you just do what you want good."

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes, looked at him wagging his tail and begging for mercy, and frowned, "Since you are so cooperative, then we have complied with your request, let you go, and let you be relieved."

The black-clothed killer was immersed in joy, completely oblivious to what she said.

When Baili Qinxue turned sideways, she summoned the little snake in the space, and the little snake swallowed out the venom, instantly melting the black-clothed killer.

She turned her head sideways, looked out of the corner of her eye, and saw that a big living person had already melted away, she couldn't help but curled her lips and said, "I'll let you go, let you go back and inform me, I won't be so stupid..."

Dugu Sheng stepped forward, looked at her clear eyes, and asked with a smile: "Axue, since Liu Cheng has already started to act, what should we do next, so don't give her a little return?"

Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips.

Outside, the moonlight is faint, with a bit of a strange taste, such a night is destined to be unsettled.

After a long while, Baili Qinxue said: "It is necessary to return the gifts. I see that there are some good things in the Treasure Pavilion in the black market. Let's get them."


(End of this chapter)

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