Chapter 1157 Take, take, take, take...

Pfft, bring it?

Little Pink almost squirted: "Xuexue, you said it's almost like stealing..."

"It's not stealing, I'm taking it in an upright manner." Baili Qinxue looked at the sky, and said again: "The weather is very suitable to fetch things now, big bun, we two go first, little pink, you stay here Then, if anything comes, you will knock them down."

Little Pink rolled up her sleeves and laughed loudly, "If you dare to come, I will definitely beat them into meatloaf."

Baili Qinxue smiled in satisfaction, she turned her head to look at Dugu Sheng, and couldn't help thinking about what happened just now, which surprised her again.

Dugu Sheng's lips parted, his smile was seductive, he couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking the edge of his lips, as if hinting at something.

Baili Qinxue's heart trembled, and her face blushed again.

"Don't just stand there stupidly, let's go to work quickly while the weather is fine, don't you want to go?"

While the clothes were flying, Baili Qinxue had already walked outside the house.

Dugu Sheng flicked his sleeves, smiled and followed, "Who said I won't go?"

Outside, the night was silent, everyone fell into a deep sleep, and the people in the black market were no exception.

The two of them walked on the streets of the black market, as if they had come to a dead city. There was no sound, only the wind whistled past their ears, and the moonlight was faint, giving it a slightly weird smell.

The two of them were fearless, and after a few dodges, they came to the door of the black market Zhenbao Pavilion.

At night, the Treasure Pavilion in the black market towers even higher into the sky. Looking up, it looks like a giant overlooking the crowd, bathed in the moonlight, and it looks extremely terrifying.

Baili Qinxue looked away, and was soon attracted by the lock on the door.

It was an incomparably exquisite lock, and it looked very simple.

"There are valuables in the Treasure Pavilion, the lock is not easy, big bun, can you open it?" Baili Qinxue lingered on the door lock without taking it back.

It's not fun to chop the lock into pieces.

She wanted to remove the contents without destroying the lock, creating the illusion that something was missing, and making them jump around. It was interesting to think about it.

"Let me take a look." Dugu Sheng stepped forward, turned the lock over and over again, looked at its structure carefully, and couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "Leave it to me, don't worry, I will open it, and it will be intact .”

After that, he used a small steel wire to dig into the keyhole.

"Crack" sound.

After a while, the door lock was really opened.

Baili Qinxue looked at that cool skill, her eyes were dazed again, she bent her lips, and teased: "It's really a pity that you don't become a thief."

"Aren't I, am I a thief with Axue?" Dugu Sheng blinked, smiling brightly.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him, and said with a smile, "I'm stealing from the light, and you're stealing. I'm a decent commoner."

"Open your eyes and talk nonsense." Dugu Sheng scolded lightly, his eyes full of affection.

Baili Qinxue ignored him, and went to the cabinet on the first floor with a flick of her sleeves. The cabinet was full of bottles and jars of pills, and there were some high-grade pills in the cabinet made of pure gold.

Her eyes lit up, ready to sweep all these things away.

She said she could do it, she just swiped her sleeves, and all the bottles and cans on the cabinet disappeared. Baili Qinxue licked her lips excitedly, her eyes lingered on the pure gold cabinet.

Seeing the speed at which she fetched things, Dugu Sheng couldn't help but secretly startled.


(End of this chapter)

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