Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1179 The little guy who eats inside and out!

Chapter 1179 The little guy who eats inside and out!

A group of people assembled quickly, and Mu Liu and Xuanyuan Po did not leave, wanting to have dinner with them.

They talked and laughed and walked into the circular arch, and then walked up the steps.

Liu Cheng couldn't get used to seeing them, so she gave Baili Qinxue a hard look.

"Baili Qinxue, congratulations, you have won the first battle." She said with a strange air, her eyes were full of reconciliation.

Baili Qinxue cast her gaze over and said in a calm voice, "Thank you."

Liucheng snorted coldly, and left proudly with Xilanlu.

Xi Lanming glanced at Dugu Sheng, thinking of the college trials a few days ago, his face instantly became a little gloomy, he flicked his sleeves, his heart was filled with anger, and his steps were a little heavy.

"These people are really, what faces are they showing?" Little Pink pouted.

"Don't pay attention to them, if they can't eat grapes, they will spit out sour grapes." Zhao Yu sneered.

Baili Qinxue looked at Liu Cheng's back, her eyes gradually became condensed.

It seems that this Miss Liu family is still not good at learning.

The exclusive cafeteria of East County College is very large, roughly estimated to accommodate thousands of people, and there are all wooden tables inside, which are already filled with various delicious dishes.

"Well, it's so spectacular..." Lin Wanwan looked around, and the stinky bear in her arms had already jumped onto the table beside her.

"It seems that Smelly Bear likes the table over there very much." Zhao Yu pointed to the table over there, and said with a smile, "Since Smelly Bear likes it so much, we will grant its wish."

Hearing this, Little Pink ran over like a butterfly.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other, she spoke first, "I have no objection, what do you guys think?"

"No opinion." Dugu Sheng shrugged indifferently.

The others didn't mind at all, and went straight to sit there.

When they were seated, Chu Yuedao cast his eyes over and couldn't help but flatten his lips and say, "Why are they sitting next to us?"

"Senior Yuedao's side table doesn't have a sign saying that people can't sit there, young lady and the others can sit wherever they want." Yun Shen looked at Baili Qinxue, his big eyes shining brightly.

"Eat inside and out." Chu Yuedao glared at him.

Yun Shen pursed his lips, his big eyes were watery.

Qin Ge grabbed Yun Shen's shoulders, as if to support him, "Xiaoyue Island, you sneaked out a few days ago, did you encounter something interesting, related to the two of them?"

He pointed to Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng.

Chu Yuedao and Bai Xie were both startled, and said in unison: "No, not at all."

"No?" Qin Ge held his chin, narrowed his eyes, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "But what do you mean by cheating, being a big villain?"

"No other meaning at all, you are overthinking." Again in unison.

"Oh?" Qin Ge raised his eyebrows, and the smile in his eyes deepened, with a hint of narrowness: "Xiaoyue Island, I'm afraid Mr. Mu didn't know about the fact that you sneaked out a few days ago, right?" , if you say it..."

Chu Yuedao's body trembled, and the dull hair on her head shrank back.

"Little Scorpion." Qin Ge looked at Bai Xie, the smile in his eyes remained the same, and his lips were raised higher, "Mu Lao has never liked you drinking, if I told Mu Lao, you would secretly hide the wine gourds in the house Under the big tree in front of me, I wonder if the wine can still be kept?"

Bai Xie's eyes widened suddenly, "How do you know?"

Qin Ge smiled, "I'm guessing, but now I'm absolutely sure."


(End of this chapter)

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