Chapter 1180 What kind of herb is it?

White Scorpion: "..."

They are all brothers. Hey, can you not be so bad?

Bai Xie and Chu Yuedao said in unison again, "What do you want to ask, let's be honest, please don't reveal it."

Yun Shen opened his mouth, "Senior Qin Ge is really amazing."

"I just want to know what happened the day you sneaked out, and what happened to them." Qin Ge smiled, looking at them for a moment.

The pressure on the two of them was so great that they could only confide obediently.

After hearing this, Qin Ge patted his thighs and laughed, "It's true that you two were caught out when you sneaked out to be spies. No wonder they tricked you. It's a blessing if you don't get killed."

Two people: "..."

Is this still a brother?

"According to your wishes." Cang Molian raised her eyes, and there was no joy or anger in her pale eyes, "The herbs you brought last time were bought from them, and that woman is from the herb shop. the owner?"

Chu Yuedao and Bai Xie trembled.

I really didn't expect Cang Molian to be interested in those medicinal herbs. When he brought them to him for a look, his face had no expression for a long time, just like a painting, sitting there quietly, neither happy nor angry, expressionless.

"These herbs belong to them." After the two spoke, they stared at Cang Molian for a moment, trying to see something from his face.

"En." Cang Molian responded softly, showing no expression at all.

Chu Yuedao and Bai Xie withdrew their gazes in frustration. They thought they would see something explosive, but they didn't expect Cang Molian to remain silent, as quiet as a fairy in a painting.

"You two are too tender..." Qin Ge bent his lips and uttered an unfathomable sentence.

The two looked at each other, not paying attention to what he said.

Qin Ge looked at Cang Molian, his eyes curled into slits with a smile. He likes to observe people's joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys most. Just now when he was talking about medicinal herbs, the waves in Cang Molian's eyes shook slowly. He looked straight at him.

It seems that the medicinal herb brought back by the two is indeed a good product, which can arouse Cang Molian's interest.

"What kind of herb is it? I'm so interested..." Qin Ge murmured, his eyes wandering around Cang Molian.

Cang Molian paused slightly, then returned to normal.

With a panoramic view of everything, Qin Ge's eyes were filled with a smile.

After a good meal, the competition in the afternoon officially started.

The students had already gathered outside the battle field. Elder Lin and Elder Mu came slowly surrounded by the instructors. When the students saw the person presiding over the overall situation came, they burst into bursts of cheers.

Although it is autumn, the afternoon sun is still a bit more scorching.

Elder Mu stroked his beard and said with a smile: "The first match in the morning was won by Xiling College. I don't know which college will win the competition in the afternoon. Let alone you, even the old man can't wait."

"If you can't wait, let's start." Elder Lin continued.

Mu Lao nodded, cast his eyes on the battlefield, and said with a smile: "The competition in the afternoon is still more than some leisure events. Just now I accidentally threw my cat into the forest. Unexpectedly, the Kung Fu cat ran away in the blink of an eye. No shadow, if any of you can find out my cat within a stick of incense, you will get ten points."

Finding a cat, what kind of competition is this?

The students couldn't help but look at each other, bursting out with strong voices of doubt.

Mu Lao was still smiling.

Lin Lao narrowed his eyes, but he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in his gourd, "Looking for a cat? It's a very interesting competition..."


(End of this chapter)

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