Chapter 1181 Trust from the bones?

"Looking for a cat?" Feng Ren tilted his head, and couldn't help but retract his tongue, "Isn't that very simple?"

Wei Nanzi frowned, it sounded really simple.

Mu Liu squinted her eyes, her expression was a little serious, "It's really easy to find a cat, I'm afraid there is something tricky in it."

Xuanyuan Po lowered his eyes in thought, and Dugu Sheng carelessly played with the strands of hair on his shoulders.

Baili Qinxue didn't dare to be careless, so she took a sneak peek at Cang Molian and the others, and saw that they were extremely cautious, thinking, there must be something hidden in this cat.

Cang Molian and the others seemed to have chosen Qin Ge.

Qin Ge's words... Baili Qinxue narrowed his eyes. Judging from his observation in the morning, Qin Ge should be a very wise and intelligent young man. In terms of tactics, he must have some extraordinary skills in other fields.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, subconsciously looking at Mu Lao.

What must be hidden behind this looking for a cat, all kinds of traps?Or various psychedelic formations...

Baili Qinxue tapped her palm lightly, and in an instant, the bright and crystal colors flowed from her eyes.

"Let the big bun go in this competition." Baili Qinxue looked at Dugu Sheng, and then cast her eyes on the others, "If the big bun, you can easily resolve any traps you encounter. How about next?"

Wei Nanzi and Feng Ren had already seen Dugu Sheng's power, so they had no objections at all.

"I have no objection either." Seeing Baili Qinxue's determination, Mu Liu shook her head with a smile.

Xuanyuan Po's thin lips were pursed into a straight line, he really didn't expect that she would trust Dugu Sheng so much, this kind of trust seemed to come out from the bottom of her bones, and it had already taken shape.

He couldn't help clenching his fists, and there was a look of coldness in his eyes. After a while, he said: "Don't lose."

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of energy, and he was extremely confident, "How could I lose?"

After all, he took a step forward slowly.

Almost at the same time, Qin Ge on the opposite side also stood up.

Dugu Sheng glanced lightly, then looked away again.

Qin Ge narrowed his eyes, felt the aura emanating from him, and couldn't help but tremble. The man in front of him was definitely not simple, "Hi, I'm Qin Ge, we're going to look for cats together later, how about a cat?" Please teach me a lot."

Dugu Sheng cast his eyes over again, the corners of his mouth curled up, and a laziness with a bit of cold voice overflowed from his mouth, "Dugu Sheng, it's quite novel to find a cat competition, we all have a good time..."

"Okay." Qin Ge smiled.

Chu Yuedao grabbed Qin Ge's sleeve and whispered in his ear, "Qin Ge, this man is also bad, you have to avenge Bai Xie and me."

Qin Ge narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said: "This is a competition, please don't get involved with any personal emotions, besides, it's because you were wrong first, it's time for Xiaoyue Island to calm down, if you are so mean, be careful that you won't get it later To my daughter-in-law..."

Chu Yuedao: "..."

It's none of his business if he can't get a wife, hum!
"Since you have already selected candidates, let's start the competition." Mu Lao stood up and teleported the two of them into the forest.

The forest was still the one where the archery competition was held in the morning, but through the video, Baili Qinxue always felt that there was an unusual and weird atmosphere in the forest, but she couldn't tell why it was so weird.

"Why are they standing still?" Feng Ren looked at the image, and couldn't help but feel puzzled in such a situation.

Wei Nanzi frowned, and the two people in the image did not move, as if they were tripped by something.


(End of this chapter)

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