Chapter 1183 Found the target...

Dugu Sheng squinted his eyes and looked at the cat.

"Meow——" the black cat yelped, then stretched out its fat paws to trim its hair, its calm appearance didn't seem to take Dugu Sheng seriously.

Dugu Sheng looked at the cat, with an intriguing smile in his eyes, but his feet didn't move.

Compared to Dugu Sheng's calmness, the eyes of the students outside the arena were anxious.

"Xiao Cheng, that black cat must be the one Mr. Mu asked us to find. The cat is right in front of us, so why is Dugu Sheng still not moving? What if the cat runs away?" Xi Lanlu's eyes grew anxious red.

"Princess Lu'er, don't you understand yet?" Liu Cheng narrowed her eyes, and said with a sarcasm, "He and Baili Qinxue are both useless members of the second class, and it must be a fluke to win any trials. Li Qinxue's ability to win archery is also due to luck."

Hearing this, Xilanlu paused for a moment, as if that was really the case.

Liu Cheng bent her lips, and continued: "Luck and luck are only temporary, they can't be so lucky at all, that's why the current situation is caused, even the cat is right in front of you, you don't know who did it , you still expect him to win?"

"He's just an idiot. He has a pretty face. I didn't expect him to be so useless." Xilanlu frowned and said a few words sarcastically.

Liu Cheng was delighted to hear that, none of the people who were with Baili Qinxue was a good thing.

"..." Listening to their discussions, Zhao Yu and the others couldn't be bothered.

There is no doubt about Dugu Sheng's strength, it's not comprehensible for ordinary people like them. When the results of the competition come out, continue to watch them slap their faces.

"Wait, look at what seems to have happened to that cat." Xi Lanming suddenly said, his eyes seemed to be full of shock and astonishment.

Liu Cheng and Xi Lan Lu raised their eyes and couldn't help but freeze in place.

In the image... the cat's body actually shone with this dazzling yellow light, and when the yellow light dissipated, the cat turned into a huge golden cage.

The cage suddenly fell, and hit the direction where Dugu Sheng was.

Just when the students thought that Dugu Sheng would be caught by the golden cage, the corner of his lips curled up, and he had already fled away...

His swiftness seemed to be faster than that of a spirit fox, leaving only afterimages in an instant, and it was impossible for people to catch the trajectory.

The students froze in place suddenly.

Speaking of it this way, Dugu Sheng knew from the very beginning that the cat was not a good thing, so he didn't get close to the cat. That's why they were still chattering. Thinking about it's really stupid.

"So, that's not an ordinary cat..." Xilanlu's voice weakened a little, "I thought that was the cat I was looking for, but I didn't expect Dugu Sheng to be quite powerful."

Liu Cheng snorted softly, not seeing Dugu Sheng make a fool of himself, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

inside the forest.

Dugu Sheng turned his head, looked at the broken cage behind him, and said mockingly: "A small broken cage also wants to trap me?"

"Bang" sound.

The broken cage behind him fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Dugu Sheng withdrew his eyes and continued to move forward. His body was coated with a layer of sun's luster, and that layer of soft light appeared on the fabric, making him appear crystal clear, making him even more dignified and seductive.

He flicked his sleeves, and his eyes fell not far away. In an instant, his eyes were filled with bright light, shining like water.

In front, it seems that there is something he wants...

He dodges, and flicks back and forth on the branches of the big tree, that wonderful figure touches people's hearts.


(End of this chapter)

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