Chapter 1184 You are chasing me too...

Outside the arena, Chu Yuedao pointed to the image above his head and exclaimed, "What does this bad man want to do? Why is he going in the same direction as Qin Ge? Could it be that he also found some target?"

Bai Xie put down the wine gourd, his eyes darkened, "He actually knows formations just like Qin Ge, and Xiling College is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. At this moment, it may be a coincidence that he is going in the same direction as Qin Ge, but it cannot be ruled out." Other possibilities."

Yun Shen pinched the hem of his clothes, looking a little nervous, "Senior Qin Ge, you must work hard."

"It's really a bunch of useless people, and I can only win if I come out." Ye Qianqiu raised his eyes, glanced at the image above his head, and the sneer in his eyes became more intense, "A person who can only play with formations, I don't know See it."

After finishing speaking, he walked into the circular arch with a flick of his sleeves, completely out of sight.

"Hey, who is this?" Chu Yuedao looked at the receding figure, and a gleam of anger flashed in his eyes, "Who does this person think he is? I don't want to be with him."

"The eyes are growing on top of the head." Bai Xie muttered.

"Senior Yuedao, senior Baixie..." Yun Shen pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

"Look at Dugu Sheng's eyes." Cang Molian's thin lips parted slightly, and it was a rare time that she took the initiative to speak, but her eyes still lingered on the image.

Except for Ye Qianqiu who walked into the circular arch, the other three raised their eyes together.

Looking into Dugu Sheng's eyes through the image above his head, he saw that those eyes were as black and bright as new, as if they were covered with starlight, bright and bright, and there was firmness hidden behind those rays of light, and the will to win.

All three were shocked.

"So, like Qin Ge, that bad man already knows where the cat is?" Chu Yuedao pursed her lips, her eyes flickering with anxiety, "This is really tricky, I didn't expect the other party to We also sent a master who knows formations to compete, who in the world saw the way to find the cat?"

Both Bai Xie and Yun Shen were silent, and after a while, Bai Xie smiled and said: "This is interesting, if the other party is a weak chicken, wouldn't it be interesting?"

Cang Molian subconsciously looked at Baili Qinxue.

The woman's eyes were bright, the confident, determined eyes were exactly the same as Dugu Sheng's.

Moreover, the thoroughness and wisdom can be seen from her deep eyes, it is entirely her intention to send Dugu Sheng, this woman should not be underestimated.

He squinted his eyes. The medicinal herbs brought by Chuyue Island and Baixie a few days ago were extremely good. Even a dull person like him was shocked by it. He didn't know where this woman got such top quality herbs. Herbs.

Or, did she grow these herbs herself?

Cang Molian's heart trembled, but it didn't show on his face. He withdrew his gaze and continued to linger on the image.

The two figures in the image flickered and ran in the same direction.

Dugu Sheng's speed was extremely fast, leaving only afterimages in the places he passed. Although Qin Ge was not as fast, he was not weak either.

In the blink of an eye, Dugu Sheng had arrived in front of a small hill. On the hill, a kitten with black hair and blue eyes was lying leisurely.

Dugu Sheng's eyes rolled, and there was an extraordinarily crystal smile in his eyes.

"The kitten is lying leisurely basking in the sun, so it's easy for me to find." Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, looking at the kitten in front of him, he didn't rush forward to grab it.

Soon, he slowly turned sideways, with an imperceptible coldness in his lazy and seductive smile.

"You're here too, a little faster than I expected."


(End of this chapter)

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