Chapter 1230 The Troubling Beast

She raised her eyes and suddenly realized, "I seem to understand something, that is to say, Ye Qianqiu's aura is not pure, and he may have become a summoner through some improper channels. If you want to really understand, the future duel I have to compete with him in person..."

"A Xue likes it, then compare with him, and then it will be good to destroy his prestige." Dugu Sheng raised his lips, and even blew in her ear maliciously.

The hairs all over Baili Qinxue's body stood on end.

The earlobe was so red that Dugu Sheng not only swallowed his saliva.

"Public places, be careful." Baili Qinxue pushed his shoulder, and her fair face was also stained with a blush.

Dugu Sheng licked her dry lips, staring at her pretty face with burning eyes, "It would be great if there weren't so many people here..."

As he spoke, he released Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue looked around, and simply, everyone's eyes were on the video, and no one noticed what was going on on their side. She was relieved, and the burning heat on her earlobes was gradually blown away by the wind.

"Axue, look at the image, that Ye Qianqiu is about to arrive at the destination, but that Muliu boy, his monster seems a bit weird..." Dugu Sheng pointed at the image, his fingers were slender, white and crystal clear.

Baili Qinxue looked up.

Sure enough, Ye Qianqiu and his monsters were about to arrive at their destination.

They got along harmoniously along the way, and they didn't encounter any obstacles. It can be said that everything was calm.

As for Mu Liu...

Although he was about to reach the destination, the monsters he rescued seemed to be not well-behaved, and there would be some small troubles frequently, which caused Mu Liuge a headache.

Mu Liu rubbed her temples, looked at the small monsters beside her, and said helplessly, "I said, my little ancestor, can you calm down a bit, I always feel that you are more troublesome than some women outside."

The little monster couldn't understand what he was saying, and still blinked at him with wet eyes.

Mu Liu was frustrated, looking at the small monster beside him, he always had a strange feeling in his heart, he pursed his lips, and couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

The small monster blinked at him, looking innocent and harmless.

Mu Liu withdrew her gaze, and the feeling in her heart only increased.

A gust of wind blows, the trees in the forest sway slowly, and the sound of "rustling" lingers in my ears.

Mu Liu flicked his sleeves, and walked slowly on the soft ground. When he looked up, he saw that the destination was not far ahead.

A small red pennant was also planted there, and the pennant fluttered in the wind, as if celebrating the victory of the competition.

Mu Liu was overjoyed, and walked towards the destination with the small monster.

The small monster behaved very well at the moment, as if the previous struggles and troubles were just illusions, Mu Liu squinted her eyes with doubts, but the strangeness in her heart became more and more intense.


That is, the sound of feet stepping on the leaves, at this time...

Ye Qianqiu and his monsters also walked slowly.

Hearing the sound, Mu Liu turned her head to meet his gaze.

Ye Qianqiu looked at him calmly, without any surprise in his eyes. President Mu Liu's strength is enough to get here, and he may not be able to surpass him to reach the destination first, but it's hard to say...

"President Mu Liu, what's next is the highlight." Ye Qianqiu pursed his lips, and a haughty look flashed across his face, "Whether you can take the monster to the destination is still unknown, but I can act one step ahead of you." , it was nailed to an iron plate."


(End of this chapter)

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