Chapter 1231 Too late?Too late?
Mu Liu: "..."

This kid is really confident... no, that's conceited.

Really annoying.

Mu Liu smiled and said nothing, but the bright smile in her eyes made her extremely comfortable.

Ye Qianqiu narrowed his eyes, as if he was not satisfied with Mu Liu's reaction, he should have jumped up and showed that ferocious and terrifying look, right?
"President Mu Liu calm down when the time comes." Ye Qianqiu flicked his sleeves and smiled.

Mu Liu didn't want to fight with him any more haha, so she picked up the small monster on the ground and rushed to the destination.

"As expected of a warrior, the speed is very fast..." Ye Qianqiu winked at his monster, and the monster seemed to understand his thoughts, and rushed out like a rocket.

Weird, Mu Liu thought it was so weird.

Why are other people's monsters so cute and so fast.

As for his own, it's fine to be disobedient and make trouble, but he walks like a tortoise crawling like a turtle, which makes him exhausted physically and mentally.

Mu Liu turned her head to look at Ye Qianqiu, and saw him walking slowly like a stroll in the garden.

On the other hand, he has to work hard for everything, and finally has to run with the monster in his arms. He is really a born hard worker...

Ye Qianqiu continued to exchange glances with the devil.

For a moment, the monster seemed to run faster.

Mu Liu squinted his eyes, looking at the destination in front of him, his footsteps were windy, and he also accelerated.

But at this moment, the monster in his arms stretched out its sharp claws where no one else could see. The sharp claws shone coldly in the sunlight, and the monster's eyes became strange and abnormal.


The monster's sharp claws waved on Mu Liu's chest.

"Hiss..." It hurts so much.Mu Liu gasped, and her fingertips trembled.

Taking advantage of this gap, the monster in her arms jumped out of her arms and ran in the opposite direction of the destination. What is it... Mu Liu subconsciously clutched her chest, and there was a bloodstain on it. Although there was not much blood, it was very pain.

Seeing the situation over there, Ye Qianqiu was stunned and laughed directly.

"President Mu Liu, what's wrong with you, why can't you even take care of a monster?"

The gloating tone made Mu Liu very puzzled.

Look at that monster again, running forward happily, its posture is as if it has been spattered with chicken blood, and then think of the bloodstain on my chest, that monster is really strange...

Mu Liu's thoughts were spinning a thousand times, enduring the huge pain in her chest and directly chasing that monster.

No matter how strange that monster is, even if we spare no effort, we must bring it back to its destination.

Ye Qianqiu sneered, "President Mu Liu, you are too late, look at how fast my monster runs, but your monster ran back."

Mu Liu acted as if she didn't hear it, and her speed was getting faster and faster, like a gust of wind.

He stretched out his hand and lifted the monster directly.

The monster struggled with all its strength, with a strange glint in its eyes, and it kept waving its claws, but it was a pity that it couldn't hurt a single hair of Mu Liu when it was being lifted.

Mu Liu quickly ran back.

Ye Qianqiu glanced at him, but his heart was beating like thunder. This Mu Liu was really extraordinary. After being delayed by some things, his feet were like the wind, and he was about to catch up...

"Hmph, there's no way to catch up." Ye Qianqiu looked at his monster again.

Warcraft understood and sped up the speed again.

In the midst of the calcium carbide flames, Ye Qianqiu's monster rushed straight towards the destination like a bolt of lightning, Mu Liu's heart trembled, and it was too late to catch up.


(End of this chapter)

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