Chapter 125 The Runaway Beast ([-])
Baili Qinxue agreed with him very much, they are safe here for the time being, and they will think about ways to avoid it later.

"Sister, that male culprit is really stupid. If it wasn't for him, the Fire Cloud Beast wouldn't go mad." Dugu Sheng gouged out Xi Lanming's eyes with hatred, and said, "It's all right now, I've suffered a lot. Just don't get us involved..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a loud "boom" not far away, followed by the exclamation of two people.

The cry was so fierce that it made people shiver.

Baili Qinxue secretly looked sideways, and saw that the two baits were blown away by the flames of the Fire Cloud Beast, and the two of them fell down on the hill like kites with broken strings and fainted, and they didn't show up for a long time The portal, I think the portal will only appear when all the members are beaten down.

She watched quietly, and couldn't help but sigh, the eighth-level high-level monster is really extraordinary.

She was feeling emotional when suddenly a red shadow flashed in front of her eyes, and the oncoming wind was mixed with a burning sensation, which made her open her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw the Fire Cloud Beast that was still there just now He was already standing in front of the three bullies. That huge body, coupled with that ferocious and cold expression, looked like a beast king looking down on a colony of ants, which was frightening.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help being startled, the Huoyun Beast was huge, but its speed was so fast!

"Little Baozi, look at how fast it is, it can be used as a mount..." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and turned her mind thousands of times, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

Dugu Sheng pouted, waved his hands and said: "It's just this kind of little miscellaneous hair, the speed is not bad, it's so-so."

"The brat's head is really loud." Zhao Yu rubbed his head with a smile.

Dugu Sheng covered his head and glared at him angrily.

At this time, there was another movement from there, and the escape route of the three bullies was blocked, and their positions were all in chaos. Now they are fleeing wherever they see a way out, and even going to Baili Qinxue The direction in which they fled.

The Fire Cloud Beast seemed to be playing hide-and-seek with them. It was not in a hurry to chase, but just spewed fire on the spot so that they had nowhere to hide.

"Ho Ho Ho—" the Fire Cloud Beast spit out fire, and even burned down all the surrounding hills, even the hill where Baili Qinxue and the others were hiding.

For a while, the whole place was razed to the ground, and it was clear who and what was there.

"Sister, we are really involved..." Dugu Sheng's face fell down. Fortunately, they jumped to the side cleverly, otherwise they might have been roasted by the fire.

"Those three idiots." Baili Qinxue's eyes turned cold.

"Let's run quickly while the Fire Cloud Beast is still playing with them." Zhao Yu looked back, and saw that the Fire Cloud Beast was still focusing on the three bullies and didn't notice them at all.

Baili Qinxue nodded and said, "That's the only way. Everyone has to run as fast as possible, but don't fall behind. It's even more dangerous to fall behind."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Dugu Sheng's little paw.

Weinan Zijun's face was full of embarrassment, he frowned a few times before saying: "I am the strongest among you, I will cover from behind, you can just run ahead without worry."

As soon as the words fell, he scratched his head and seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Azi, Azi is so responsible, I will leave everything to you..." Lin Wanwan hugged the stinky bear, and rushed to the front with a "chuck".

"This is not a sense of responsibility... This is the demeanor of a strong man, demeanor..." Wei Nanzi tried to quibble, but she didn't want to admit that she cared about them, and her pretty face turned red after a while.


(End of this chapter)

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