Chapter 126 The Runaway Warcraft ([-])
Baili Qinxue almost laughed out loud, her character became more and more twisted, but her heart was extremely good.

"That's demeanor, let's stop arguing and run." Baili Qinxue called out at the right time, telling them to run faster.

Wei Nanzi's pretty face was still blushing, but it was indisputable.

The five people ran back, and Baili Qinxue also thought that it was easier to hide people in the grass and trees, and the hills in front were too easy to expose, so the five people kept running and running.

The three bullies were startled when they saw that there were still people here, but they were happy when they came back to their senses. If there are people, it means that they are saved, and they can join forces to deal with the Fire Cloud Beast, or let them act as bait again...

"The five people in front don't run away, wait for us..." Xi Lanming yelled and chased after her with her two younger sisters.

Xilanlu frowned, "Brother, they ran so fast."

"Let's run faster, this may be our life-saving straw." Xilan Manyue narrowed her eyes, and her steps became a little faster, Xilan Lu and Xilan Ming were not far behind.

The Fire Cloud Beast stood there watching quietly, like a dormant monster, ready to move.

"Sister, those three bullies are catching up." Dugu Sheng's eyes were full of contempt, and he wished to kick those three stupid things to the ground.

"Don't pay attention to them." Baili Qinxue frowned and said, "We just need to run fast..."

Seeing them running faster and faster, Xi Lanming gritted his teeth and covered his head, and rushed over. The Fire Cloud Beast moved lazily, and opened its mouth to spray flames in their direction.

The place where the flame passed was extremely hot, burning all the surrounding flowers, plants and trees.

"Everyone, step aside quickly, the flames are coming." Seeing that the flames were coming, Baili Qinxue quickly asked them to hide aside, and pulled Dugu Sheng to the side as well.

After a while, the flames were extinguished, and the vegetation in all directions had already been burned away, leaving only curls of green smoke misty in the air, and the burning smell was pungent and unpleasant.

"I'm angry." Zhao Yu patted the grass clippings on his body and stood up, with anger in his eyes, "It's all because of those three stupid things that brought us into this situation."

Wei Nanzi also frowned, his handsome face was full of ferocity, "I really want to get them together..."

He moved the joints of his hands, and there was a clicking sound in an instant, full of momentum.

At this moment, the three bullies just wanted to grab life-saving straws, and didn't notice the cannibalistic expressions of the two of them. The three of them moved forward and stood very close to them. Xi Lanming smiled and said: " We are all grasshoppers on the same rope now, how about the eight of us working together to deal with the Fire Cloud Beast?"

"Yeah, more people have more chances of winning." Xilan Manyue glanced at Wei Nanzi, her eyes lit up, a sixth-order high-level dual-element magic genius, she felt that her life was guaranteed to a certain extent.

"We are all in the same academy, so naturally we have to help each other, right?" Xilanlu wiped her face, a sweet smile rippling at the corner of her mouth, she was quite beautiful at first, but she looked embarrassed and this smile also seemed a little bit scary.

Baili Qinxue's eyes were slightly cold, and she was afraid that all five of them would be used as bait by then.

"You didn't attract this Fire Cloud Beast, and you didn't implicate us." Zhao Yu shook his collar, stepped forward aggressively, and said, "Take care of the matter you provoked, and we won't accompany you. "

After all, tell Baili Qinxue and the others to leave quickly.

"Don't go..."


(End of this chapter)

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