Chapter 127 The Runaway Warcraft ([-])
Xi Lanming turned his head to the side and saw that the Huoyun Beast was still dormant there, just rolling its eyeballs quietly, as if it were an inferior child playing with its prey, and it would move when the prey moved.

Xi Lanmin's scalp tingled for a while, and she stopped in front of them not to let them leave.

Xilan Lu and Xilan Manyue understood and stopped her.

"What are you thinking?" Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his face was replaced by a cold look.

Xi Lanming said: "We just want to work together with you to deal with the Fire Cloud Beast."

Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "The eighth-level high-level fire cloud beast can be achieved only by the eight of us? Or do you also want us five to be bait?"

Baili Qinxue was taken aback, but Zhao Yu at the moment was full of momentum and saw it very clearly.

Xi Lanming suddenly stopped, and it took a long time before he touched his nose and said: "How can it be, we are just working together..."

"Let's work together, the fire cloud beast has already aimed at us, and no one can escape." Xilan Lu held Xilan Manyue's sleeve tightly and stopped laughing, her body trembling.

"The target of the Fire Cloud Beast is you, not us." Baili Qinxue frowned, pulled Dugu Sheng around and left, "Zhao Yu is right, you have to solve the problems you caused, we don't have to Take this muddy water."

The faces of the three bullies turned green, but they still followed them like followers.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes and really wanted to fight them back, but unfortunately, she was afraid that the fire cloud beast would benefit from the fight between the snipe and the clam, so she squinted her eyes and could only keep walking and ignore them.

"Chicken legs, the stinky bear said he could fly us out." Lin Wanwan tilted his head.

fly out?
Is it okay with its small body?

Baili Qinxue took a few glances at the stinky bear and expressed doubts.

Smelly Bear raised his head arrogantly, and jumped down from Lin Wanwan's embrace in a haughty manner, only to see a flash of white light. Smelly Bear has transformed, yes, it has transformed, from a furry dog-like thing It turned into a gigantic winged monster, with a snow-white body, bright fur, and eyes as big as copper bells. When you look closely, it looks like a lion.

flying lion...

The stinky bear lowered its head brightly, as if it was despising them!

Zhao Yu patted the stinky bear on the head, and said with a smile: "Stupid girl's stinky bear is a flying mount. Its original name seems to be Thunder Beast?..."

"It's called Smelly Bear." Lin Wan curled his mouth.

The smelly bear pawed the ground, very dissatisfied with the name.

Baili Qinxue could understand what it was saying, so she couldn't help being a little funny. The smelly bear looked at her again in horror, and felt that it was impossible to look away soon.

Baili Qinxue squinted, this guy is quite sensitive.

"Well, let's go up quickly..." Lin Wanwan climbed up first.

"Let's go, staying here for a while will be more dangerous." Baili Qinxue hugged Dugu Sheng up, and then climbed up by herself.

Wei Nanzi frowned, picked up Zhao Yu's collar and flew up.

The stinky bear fluttered its wings and prepared to soar into the sky. Seeing that they were going to run away on the horse, the three big boys couldn't help feeling a little flustered. They grabbed the stinky bear's big tail and tried their best to climb up.

"You don't want to leave, we are members of the same academy and we must advance and retreat together." Xi Lanming didn't care about the royal manners, and wanted to grab the straw when he saw it.

Xilan Manyue and Xilan Lu also scrambled to climb up.

"Sister, they are really thick-skinned." Dugu Sheng tried to kick Xi Lanming down with his feet, but unfortunately he was a child who couldn't beat a big man at all, he couldn't kick him off.


(End of this chapter)

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