Chapter 128 The Runaway Warcraft ([-])
The smelly bear felt that the tail was very uncomfortable and twisted its body vigorously, but it still couldn't twist them down.

"Weinanzi, let's use fire magic to burn the three of them down." Baili Qinxue felt that the Fire Cloud Beast was already about to move, and it would be extremely dangerous if it dragged on any longer.

As soon as she finished speaking, the Fire Cloud Beast roared three times.

"Ho Ho Ho -" the deafening roar pierced the sky, and the Fire Cloud Beast rushed to them in the blink of an eye. The stinky bear spread its wings and wanted to escape, but the Fire Cloud Beast spit out fire, kicked it a few times Kicked it off.

The seemingly huge stinky bear was so useless, he was kicked unconscious after kicking a corner, and returned to its original small shape, while Baili Qinxue and the others fell from their backs, and after rolling a few times on the ground just stopped.

"Are you all right?" Baili Qinxue was dizzy and dazzled by the rolling.

Dugu Sheng took off the dead leaves on his head, and with a flat face, he said: "Sister, we have been completely implicated."

Lin Wanwan picked up the stunned stinky bear, and said with disgust on his face, "Well, the useless stinky bear hates you..."

"What should we do now?" Zhao Yu frowned, Wei Nanzi had already assumed a fighting posture.

"The only option is to fight..." Baili Qinxue frowned as she looked at the aggressive Fire Cloud Beast.

The three bullies had already been intimidated by the fire cloud beast, only Xi Lanming was better, the other two were women hugging each other and trembling, Xi Lanming spat and hit them both on the head.

"What's the use of shaking, if you don't stand up and figure out a solution together."

Xilanlu gritted her teeth, "What else can I do, I can only fight hard."

"Brother, that is the eighth-level high-level Fire Cloud Beast, why did you hurt it just now..." Xilan Manyue then questioned what happened just now.

Xi Lanming's face turned blue, and he said angrily, "Then why didn't you remind me just now?"

Xilan Manyue's face froze, she pursed her lips and said nothing, she was just watching the show, but who knew that the Fire Cloud Beast would suddenly go berserk.

Seeing the ferocious faces of the few of them, the Fire Cloud Beast went completely berserk. No matter who was a big living person who could run and jump, it would beat them to the ground.

"Hoho—" the Fire Cloud Beast was ready to launch a new round of attack.

"Everyone, disperse quickly and give it a fatal blow with magic or force." Baili Qinxue pulled Dugu Sheng aside, she couldn't believe that several people attacked at the same time, and this Fire Cloud Beast could also resist it live.

Wei Nanzi and the others knew how to step aside.

Only the three bullies were still standing there, Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and said angrily, "If you don't want to die, just do as I say, otherwise we will all have to destroy the team, and even our lives will be in danger."

When the three bullies heard that their lives would be in danger, they quickly stepped aside and did what Baili Qinxue said.

"I'll count to three, and we will attack at the same time." Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth, her expression tensed, and the magic flame in her hand gradually ignited, and the reflection on her cheeks became colder and more bewitching, and her red lips twitched. She moved, and a series of numbers overflowed from her mouth.

"one two Three……"

In an instant, magic of various colors was released at the same time. As warriors, Xi Lanming and Xi Lanlu took close combat, and when they were full of strength, they bent down and rushed to the Fire Cloud Beast in front.

There was only a loud bang, and even the ground under my feet shook.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help turning her head to the side, and saw that a huge pit had appeared in the place where the Fire Cloud Beast had stayed, and there were still a few clouds of hazy smoke emitting from the pit. It seemed that the blow just now was very powerful. The beast has been killed by joint efforts, right?

(End of this chapter)

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