Chapter 129 The Runaway Warcraft ([-])
"Brother, is it dead?" Xi Lanlu tugged at Xi Lanming's sleeve.

Xi Lanming frowned, and pursed her lips slightly: " not seem to have terminated the contract with the Fire Cloud Beast..."

Xilan Manyue stepped forward, her eyes full of doubts, "If it's dead, why hasn't it been lifted?"

As soon as her words fell, the smoke cleared away. She raised her eyes and saw the Fire Cloud Beast standing there intact. Existence consciousness, at this moment, has completely entered the state of madness and runaway, and the three bullies have been frightened in place.

The Fire Cloud Beast opened its red eyes and roared loudly.

The three bullies were so frightened that their legs were limp. They could only watch helplessly as the Fire Cloud Beast spouted a mouthful of fire, and the three of them were blown away by the fire, and soon fainted.

All five of them had been beaten to the ground, but no portal appeared. Could it be that the Fire Cloud Beast was also included?
Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, the blow just now had no effect at all.

How powerful is this?
Zhao Yu gritted his teeth, pulled Wei Nanzi and Lin Wanwan to lean behind Baili Qinxue, "What should we do now?"

"We have to keep fighting..." Baili Qinxue held Dugu Sheng's fat paw tightly, her expression tense, "The Fire Cloud Beast is so fast, we can't escape..."

Zhao Yu spat, how could such a bad thing happen, it was all because of those three stupid things.

He frowned. If they really fought, the five of them wouldn't be enough for the Fire Cloud Beast. They would definitely be killed in a few moves. He lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then said: "Little sister, you and the little devil and the stupid girl go first." , Brother Azi and I are responsible for distracting the Fire Cloud Beast."

Wei Nanzi knew the importance of this matter, so he didn't refute anything.

"Why you?" Baili Qinxue frowned.

Zhao Yu patted his chest and stood up straight. Immediately, a sense of righteousness emerged quietly, "We are all men, so naturally we have to open up a way out for women and children."

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue was taken aback again. It was only for such a simple reason that she made such a decision?

"Besides, we are so speculative in the academy, I really regard you as a little sister, and the little devil is a younger brother, I believe Azi thinks so too." Zhao Yu grinned, showing a mouthful of white when he smiled. Teeth, the fiery red fox fur set off his face better, making him more flamboyant and splendid.

Wei Nanzi frowned, and denied it flatly: "Whoever said that I thought the same way, it's clear that you are the only one who said..."

Zhao Yu hooked his shoulder with a smile.

"Ayu, Azi..." Lin Wanwan pursed her lips, this time she didn't gnaw on the chicken leg, but looked at the two seriously, and said, "I won't agree."

"Ayu and Azi are my most important people, and I will not run away alone." Lin Wanwan clenched his fists tightly, his dead eyes filled with unprecedented firmness, "Chicken legs, you bring little chicken legs Run first, and then, we must find ten pennants to avenge us..."

Dugu Sheng's face turned blue, he's not called a chicken leg.

When people face life and death, it is always difficult to make a choice, but they let her run first?
Just like Biyue that day, she kept urging her to run away quickly, while Biyue herself used her thin body to block the strong fire magic for her, and in the end, she died...

Then, will they be mercilessly killed by the fire cloud beast like Biyue was at that time?

(End of this chapter)

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